Monday, April 21, 2008

New Blog Template!!

Okay, I know this template is not exactly NEW, but it's new in a sense cuz I've never used it before. wahaha...

Anyways, many millions sorry to tee lao gao for missing out on her 18th birthday celebration. It really wasn't intentional. I really forgot about my cousin's 21st birthday. Oops. Hope you had a really fab time though. heh. *weak smile*

Tagboard and stuffs are not up cuz I don't have my original template with me here as I'm still in school. Will try my best to edit it once I'm home, but I don't think I'm able to do it all by myself. haha...

In the meantime, you guys can use the comments section to leave your nonsense. hahaha...

Till then...TOODLES! *waves*


ah buck: siao. I didn't say I wanna be your PR hor. I just say CAN BE liao. Can't you hear my relunctant tone? wahaha. I don't miss you either. er xin kia. haha...

bei: yea lor. that's what I'm doing too! how naughty of us. wahaha...but we still gotta grit our teeth and bear with it. must pass all sucky modules!! wahahaha...

OuyangWudi: dont care u uh. pfft.

shepardjane: love me like how i hate you. miss mi like how i NEVER miss you and where the freak is my EMAIL!!!? i swear im so gonna burst your water balloons NNP!!!!!!!!!


  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    zz wth wad kind of format is this? so mafan de haiz noob

  2. Anonymous12:27 AM

    what la. u very noisy can. u den noob.
