Friday, May 30, 2008


My MSN personal msg nowadays is : NOT HAPPY? GO BUY CAR LAR. NO MONEY? DEN SHA DAP LAR!

You guys might have zero idea on what I'm referring to. So I shall tell you guys how PISSED I was at this one freakin PISSER yesterday. Ting, siew and lynden knows what I'm talking about.

Yesterday after lesson which ended at 6pm, we went to take the train back home. It was peak hours at that time, so the train was packed until you can't really move much. Ting and I were standing close to the door while siew and lynden were more inside. With no poles or handle bars to hold on to, Ting chose to hold on my arm instead. Hold on my arm still okay lei, she nnp hand itchy use her finger tickle my arm lor! Of course I will nudge her with my arm and ask her to stop cuz it's ticklish right. So we did this quite a few times. Tickle, nudge, tickle, nudge. We also kept giggling like little girls. But we giggled quietly okay. Never disturb anyone. Siew and lynden didn't even hear us and they continued chatting. So we also continued tickle and nudge.

Suddenly, a loud voice said "OK STOP. YOU ARE DISTURBING ME." We thought someone was talking on the phone, so we turned around to look. There was this guy behind us and he was not talking on the phone. So obviously he was talking to us. So I said "What the hell la..." but I don't think he heard given his self-centeredness. So ting and I stopped doing whatever we're doing. Ticke and nudge no more.

After the train went past some more station, the four of us moved away from the door and stood more inside. That guy stood by the other door. So I told Lynden and Siew about what happened. Ting said that she actually wanted to tickle me more just to irritate the hell out of that guy, but she didn't in the end. is really WTH lar. We didn't disturb him lor. Nobody else complained can. I didn't even TOUCH him!! Okay, I maybe touched him a LIL while nudging ting. But that doesn't count what. WHY? Your skin as sensitive as the princess who slept under twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds hah?? Touch your arm hair already you felt as if someone took a knife and slashed you is it? Wah piang eh...angry until don't know what.

Even if we DID touch you quite a bit, can tell us nicely not? At least say an excuse me la. Just say "OK STOP. YOU ARE DISTURBING ME." Think we your puppets hah? Robots hah? One word STOP command can make us really stop. YOU WISH LAR. My dog also not so obedient la much less me. We have the bloody human rights to NOT STOP okay. President come tell me stop I also heck care. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!!?

If you don't like people disturbing you, don't take public transport la. Not happy, go buy car la! If you're a piece of poor shit with no money to even buy DECENT clothes, then shut the hell up ok. Taking public transport means we're in the public. The sign only says NO FOOD AND DRINKS, NO SMOKING and maybe no durians or something. It most definitely DID NOT SAY NO NOISE!! I can bloody hell make as much noise as I love! I can even pull your ear and scream "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN BOUT WHAT CHEW JUS SAID!" right into your asshole-ic ear. Cuz there's no bloody sign or fine to tell me that I can't pull random strangers ears and scream into it!!! ASK POLICE CATCH ME LA!! SEE THEY WILL LAUGH THEIR POLICE BADGES OFF NOT!

Dammit. The more I think about it, the more I regretted not screaming at him. He really doesn't have the right to ask us to stop whatever we're doing just because he's NOT HAPPY. LIKE WHO REALLY CARES? I think even your mama also heck care you!! And you know why is that?? CUZ YOU'RE A BLOODY ASSHOLE!!!

That guy might be talking and swearing at us now. Or he might even blog about it if he has a blog to start with. I DON'T CARE! Or maybe he's complaining to his teddy bear. CUZ HE HAS NO FRIENDS! This kind of people who anyhow scold other people who he don't know confirm don't have friends one lor. I know I WILL NEVER make friends with people like him. They should all rot in hell.

URGH. I don't feel LOADS better after ranting it all out. Oh wells. I shall go have a good night's sleep. GOOD BYE PEOPLE!

Lemme meet that guy again. Tickle and nudge infront of him once more. Ask me stop? Prepare to learn sign language!


OuyangWudi: what triple S? damn lames can!

LYNDEN CHUA RUQIN: i buay tahan your ERM. slap ur nnp. haha...okay time write dear square lor. hahaha...and what sucky emo gal? when was i EVER emo? hahaha...

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