Monday, July 21, 2008


Peps went for spaying today. She is still very weak now. Looking at her tiny body just lying there not moving at all breaks my heart so much! *weeps*

I hope she'll recover soon. The vet says it takes about 10 days? But after 2-3 days, the anesthesia will wear off and she'll become more active and like her sweet lil self again! HOORAY! But we still can't play with her too much cuz the wound might tear open and nobody wants THAT to happen do ya? That's the worse thing that could ever happen.

Peps is in pain, making all those wincing sounds and all. Sleeping ever since she came home at around 7pm. Ate a little though. Seems to be kinda hungry as she has not eaten for one whole day.

BOOHOO. Hope peps get well soon! Then she can learn how to be a good lil girl!! =]'

PS: Stupid sar ah ja ne made my cheeks orh chey! stop pinching me! dammit. SPAY ZOU AH! Thanks for the shockobons (do chew spell it like that? hee.) and the other damn nice choc which I haven't gotten the chance to GUM it in my mouth. big fat F-O-O-L! hahahah! CYA SOON~ with jsj! =]


OuyangWudi: YOUR BFF lor. and my blog is not rotting. i'm just very busy ok. hahaha...i'm not so free to be a full time gamer like you hor sorry.

yiing: hahaha...i'll never miss noisy you! muahahha, k lah. miss lah! hahha...piano concert soon!! hahah...

fanni: hahaha. yea. calmed down already. It's ending soon. So i think it's gonna be alright in a matter of weeks. heh. Thanks for letting me scream at cha! muahahahah!

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