Thursday, September 25, 2008

Life like this...

is absolutely fantasticaly fabulously GREAT! I mean sleep as late as you want. Wake up as late as you want. Doing absolutely nothing at home and just enjoying life! The only downside is that it is much too short-lived for me! To many people too I'm sure. muahaha...

Recently, I'm always feeling bloody famished during the night. I have NO idea why. I can eat a lot during dinner but still hungry. Like what only man. Luckily I didn't give in to the temptation and thus stayed away from unhealthy suppers. YAY ME! heh.

Alright. Going off to work soon. Hope I won't fall asleep cuz it's SO boring. muahahah...


PS: I'm currently in love with Mamma Mia's soundtrack! wahahahha~


sarahjanee: YOU NEH! Anyhow pull my little darling across the road. WAN DIE AH! I think she'll be very scared of you from now on. DONT WELCOME YOU ANYMORE!

OuyangWudi: what rotter! you den rot lor. and make what? pepper seasoning? dont listen to that shit head. hahaha...

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