Monday, October 13, 2008


...I can never live without them. They're the ones that bring SO much joy into your life. Other than Pepper of course. wahahha! Okay, I shall be nice and include my family too although usually, they bring me frustration more than anything. HEH.

Anyways, the last few days of my holidays were spent nicely and fruitfully. hahah...

Last friday was a gathering with the gang at HQ AKA Teng's house. haha...Please don't move house lei. We don't want to change HQ. hahah!

Many things were done on that day. Singing, mahjong-ing( I didn't though. I was playing the piano and providing everyone with melodious music. HAHA!), gossiping, looking out for "funny things" happening in MVs, youtube-ing dumb and LOL videos (girly man man man man~), eat dinner, saying the lamest thing one could ever think of to each other, camwhoring and I don't remember already. Just the usual stuff that we do lah. hahaha...

Shall not elaborate much then.

The photos I posted are more unglam ones, for the nicer ones, can go ah ling's blog. TEE HEE.

This table was so messy with the snacks and all. For your info, the cup of tea/coffee/brownish-looking liquid is NOT ours. It's teng's dad. wahaha...You can also see my sweet pink phone with my cute hello kitty strap. HAHA.

Apparently I have something on my mind that puzzles me greatly that I have to shake ah ni's shoulders and ask. hahah...

Could'nt be bothered bout that nagging question already. JUST EAT.

This is LAME. haaha...

Darling BFF Tom. =]


This makes me smile everytime I see it. I have no idea why too. hahaha!

First day of school today. Was okay. Marketing SOUNDS interesting. hahaha...Except Lionel was too lame and idiotic already. Kept on writing alphabets on kaixiang's old Marketing notes. WAHAHAH. Sian until like that. Yiting is in 2 of our classes. COOL. hahah...

So many C# to do this sem. Kill me please. OH. Miss Cher said I looked like the class rep instead of Lionel. HAHA. Must be my very organized, responsible and can-get-things-done-with-high-efficiency-and-quality look. MUAHAHAHAHAH~

I'm very happy that I don't have any 8am classes for this sem. HEE.

Alrightey...shall turn in soon. NITEY NIGHT EVERYONE!

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