Sunday, March 08, 2009

I still think the time table for fyp sucks. Other school's fyp time table like OTOT one sia. How come we're like working!? DAMMIT. Screw everyone.

Nevertheless, we still had our own share of fun and laughter. HAHA. "Listen~~~" MUAHAH!

Met up with the rest on friday. Almost one whole week went by without seeing each other. Takes a little getting to used to, but I'm good! HAHA. Chilled at Westmall Coffee Bean. Stupid nicey always wanna go coffee bean. hahah. Crapped as usual. All of us went home after a while...

I woke up like early the next day cuz I had piano lessons and tuition early in the morning. DAMN. Well, at least it's not for the whole day unlike the past. OOPS. haha...

Met up with them again on saturday and I seriously think Marina Square's Kbox is a total RIP OFF.'s like...not very clean know. MUAHAHA! Okay...SHH.

So we changed our minds and went to catch a movie. He's just not that into you. I forced them not to watch Marley and Me when we were in Marina Square cuz only eng wah gives our free Marley and Me calendars and MS was not eng wah. So we walked all the way to Suntec which was Eng wah. But ALAS! Marley and Me starts at a not very ideal time. So we switched to He's just not that into you. Good movie. Not your typical chick flick as what they claimed. And confirm better than the Coming soon right? SAY YES!!! hahaha.

Side track a little...Go to the official website of He's just not that into you and watch the Top Ten Cliches video. Bet it'll have you in stiches! Just like how it did to nicey, hallie and me. HAHA!

After the movie we all went to Secret Recipe for dinner. Home sweet home after that. I WAS BLOODY WORN OUT. I was totally spacing while on the train back home. HAHA.

Reached home, bathe and plonked myself on the bed. WITH MY HAIR STILL WET. Shit, I seriously gotta STOP doing that. Bloody unhealthy for both me and my pillow.

Okay, I haven't done much to tell my supervisor tomorrow. So I shall just try and do something now.



lynn: hello! are you lynden or are you xiang? Or somebody else? HAHAH!

fanni: yes you idiot. obviously she is in china as i have CLEARLY stated which you're too blind to see.

msXIANG: haha. Good that you're still alive and kicking. And fanni is such an idiot at times! hahah!

sarahjane: STOPPIT ALREADY! Who ask you to have sucha COMMON name. HAHAH! Your grammar has always been sucky, I don't blame your excitedness for that. HAHA. and wat lah. Waggie is the first dog of the owner of the school you douche bag! Sentimental okay! Cuz his dog passed away long ago. SIGH.

OuyangWudi: Ting doesn't mind. HAHA. And yah, lionel TOTALLY don't miss me at all.

Buck: I got say you don't remember me and my nonsense? HAHAH. I can't remember seriously. HEE. Who who hor (JM) ? Don't know what you talking about.

RF: LEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~ hahaha. Bet you missed me! haha.

Lionel: hahah! sha dap lah. I deleted that away already what. Who's the small air shit now huh? HAHA.

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