Monday, April 20, 2009

Suzhou Day One


Sorry lah sarah know HOW expressionless I can get huh?? HAHAH. I forgot the how in the sms. Stop saying my english like cheena bong lah!! ASSHOLE.

Suzhou's weather is quite like genting. Maybe a little colder when there are gusts of wind. But other than that, it's still quite okay. NICEY's first cold weather country lehhh. HAHA. She's THRILLED TO BITS YOU KNOW. HAHAHA!

Didn't manage to get my china prepaid card today. Cuz the shop closed before we arrived. So I am unable to call my family and tell them. I MISS MY PEPPER LAHHH!! DAMN OMG. I watched 2 dog movies on the plane lor. Bolt and Marley and Me. I didn't finish watching Marley and Me lah. HENG AH. If not, sure tear like siao on the plane. LIKE HOW HALLIE AND NICEY DID. WAHAH. I had to offer tissues to them please. HEE.

Watching the two dog movies made me miss peppy pu even more!!! OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.


Stupid bra is forever not online and I can't webcam or anything. OH WELLS. Have to wait till tomorrow morning to get the prepaid card thennnn.

Down with the flu bug. DAMN BUAY TAHAN. Keep sniffling and have to blow my nose all the time. MA FAN LAH.

Nicey's chinese sucks like there's NO TOMORROW!! NO TOMORROW I TELL YOU. PREPAID CARD ALSO DONT KNOW HOW TO SAY. EVERYTHING JUST THROW TO ME. ASSHOLEEEE. Made me feel so inferior when talking to the china people lah. When they asked us what are we majoring in...nicey just looked at me and said..."You tell them. I don't know what to say." Then the china people were like..."哦, 你们的中文不是很好是吧?" DAMN PAISEH LAH. We're chinese people dammit! Let them say till we don't know how to speak chinese like that. ALL NICEY'S FAULT!!! HAHAH...

For dinner, almost everyone ordered fried rice. Cuz that's like the safest food to order right? Nobody can go wrong with fried rice can they now? HAHAH. The fried rice was like ONE WHOLE MOUNTAIN PLEASE!! HAHAHA. It's like one of the rare moments when I didn't finish my food. HAHAH.

Oh wells............................

Don't really feel like sleeping nowww....PEPPERRR!!! BOOHOO...

Thanks via for your "BEAUTIFUL" post lah. HAHAH!!

NAH, post 2 photos to make you guys miss me lesser. HAHAH!!


Sarah: HAHA! of course I know jackie didn't eat curry. It's YOU!! HAHA. Greedy piggy. HAH...

sarahjane: HAHA! SUCKERRRR.

Bei: TEE HEEE!!! I'll be back before you know it. DONT WORRY BEI BEI! MISS U TOO!!! =]=]=]

msXIANG: thanks ah xiang. Make me feel SOOOO "at home" with ur tag! =]

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