Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dinner with PTKs & Ice Skating with ASN!

On thursday, I met up with ASN, Nicey, Siew, Kel and Randy for dinner at Cineleisure. The dinner was not too bad, as in the food. I ate till damn full. HAHA. AS USUAL.

Started to talk crap about things and we kept on saying Kelvin will have retribution. HAHHA. For what you ask? Heaven's secrets shall not be revealed. MUAHAH.

After dinner, we all went home. This is the life of working society. NO LIFE. Always home as early as possible on weekdays. OH WELLS. HAHAH.

Train ride home was tiring. No seats. SUCK. Chatted with Nicey then I alighted first while she continued the ride home.

Bathed, read a bit of Breaking Dawn and KO-ed soon after.


The girls. =)

Yesterday went ice skating with ASN!!!

Ever since I left Primary school, I have never ice skated already. Imagine, almost 7 years!! HAHA. Confirm is lose touch already please. But I'm proud to say I have never fallen down before while ice skating during primary school times.

I broke that perfect record yesterday.


ASN and I were trying to skate, we both kinda suck at it. HEH.

Then there are some guys who are bloody pro in skating. 2 uncles and a few young ones.

ASN and I then sat down at the benches by the side to watch them skate and kept commenting on how pro they are and how we wished to be like them.

Then suddenly one of the skater skated damn fast and sat down next to us on the benches and slapped me on my arm!!

AH GUA! I don't know you and you slapped me on my arm!


Then he called my name and went like, "Finally saw you already!"


HHAHA! Turned out to be my secondary school friend. SEE BEH AH GUA LAH. Hair grow so long like girl! He's not gonna see this anyway, so I can flame him all I want. MUAHAHA.

I totally cannot recognise him. With the hair and the way he moves. I thought he's like CLUMSY ONE?? HAHA.


Anyways, the story of how he made me fall.

I was skating alone cuz LAZY ASN kept wanting to rest. But I understand her pain. My legs have blisters too. PAIN MAN. haha...

So as I was saying...I skated alone, but I don't know how to stop myself. Usually I just let the skates stop by itself or I'll just grab the side bars to stop. But at that time, I was quite some distance away from the bars. So that ah gua was in front of me. I held my hands up with the idea of using him to stop myself. But that ah gua moved away happily when I was nearing him! WAH LIAO!!! Thus I'm unable to stop and fell and hurt my bloody knee. And I cannot walk properly now.

SEE BEH AH GUA I TELL YOU. He was shocked that I was on the floor. HAHA. He kept apologising. SORRY NO CURE HOR YOU AH GUA. Seriously, tsk. Was I that scary that he have to move when I came so close? KNS.

Anyways, it was about time to go off when I fell. So I skated a few more rounds and went off with ASN. hahah...

Pasatamania for dinner and I took forever to finish my creamy chicken. Had fun splashing ASN with the cream sauce. HAHA. KIDDING.

Home sweet home after a while. Journey back home was BORING. Cuz my mp3 no more batt and I forgot to charge. Speaking of which, I should charge it now. HAHAH. KAY. CHARGING IN PROCESS. HAHAHHA.

An eventful saturday. Despite my injury, I kinda enjoyed myself. HAHA. =)

KAYY. I shall start to play more sports nowww. SERIOUSLY MISS SWIMMING. Remembered how I swam once or twice a week when I was younger and looked like some indian with the tan. HAHA. CANNOT IMAGINE ME WITH A TAN RIGHTTT. Me too. HEH.

Hate being so fair and hate my round face also. TSK. Dumb said my face damn round lah! KNS.

She's in adelaide now. Helped her set up a blog. HAHAH.



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