Sunday, August 16, 2009


Just reformatted my laptop. I forgot to save my links and now all my links are gone!! BOOHOO.

Was just complaining to ASN. She said I'm siao. hahah...

The upside of the reformatting is that I can finally use my Windows Live Messenger again! YAYY. No more lao pok Windows Messenger where I am unable to send and recieve files. HAHAH.

My laptop also not as lag as before already.

Another bad news. EXTERNAL HARD DISK IS CORRUPTED! I have no idea how did this happen. I was wondering if it's the ants. But how come NOW den start to have problems!!? AH GUA LEH.

My photos and movies and videos all inside know!! BOOHOOO. I IS SAD ONE CAN.

Anyone knows how to fix a corrupted hard disk and get back all the data??

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