Monday, August 31, 2009

Dinner date! =)

Had dinner at JP's Pepper Lunch with the girls. Long time since everyone is able to meet. Happy day. =)

Chatted at Pepper's Lunch then at Mac cuz DEAR PO wants her Doraemon Toy from the Happy Meal. HAHA. She's damn happy rolling the thing all around the table. HAHA.

Joke of the day is seriously this one:
*in a soft voice* “我要咬你的屁股。”
*a little louder* “我要咬你的屁股。”

HAHAHA!!! DAMN FARNEH PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughed like no tomorrow. HAHA. SIAO KIA. But quite a good idea for a prank call. HEH.

2 girls became Watsons member like me and buck. One more incoming when she have the money. Cuz she's short of 3 bucks for the card. HAHA. Aww...poor thing.

Then ah po introduced us all to Icing Room's puff. It's damn good lah! Ah po and I ate it first, then tempt everyone. So everyone bought it. Excluding Linnie. HAHA. She's always the odd one out. TSK. MUAAHA.

Then home sweet home already. =)

Tuition in the morning cuz 2mr is teacher's day! I got my gift today. Crabtree & Evelyn's Gardener's Hand therapy.

The kid was so lame. She asked, "Soo...are you a gardener or something?"
"No, I'm not."
"Hmm...then maybe you can get a potted plant or some flowers?"

HAHAH. SO LAME PLEASE. She said it with innocence can. Not being sarcastic lor. I taught her the word 'retard' 2 weeks back and now she's constantly using it on me. HAHAH. I'm fine with it as long as she don't use it on her parents. WAHAHA.

Okily then. Shall end here. I'm craving for eggs EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR EVERY MEAL LEH. Is something wrong with me? HAHAH. But eggs are healthy right?? Please say yes.

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