Monday, March 29, 2010

Genting 2010!

My second overseas trip with the girls! Love them much!

Day 1

Took the bus at Boon Lay Shopping Centre at 730am. Super early. I slept most of the way there. HEH. WHAT LA. The long trip is for sleeping one what. TSK.

With their new friend!

I didn't understand this photo at first when I was viewing Linnie's album in facebook. So when I saw her blog, I burst out laughing. HAHAH. Shawn fell asleep while reading and this book dropped on the floor and it stayed there for a few mins until po went to pick it up. HAHAH.

Hi po! Massaging your cheek?

Via damn annoying. Keep putting that neck pillow around her head when taking photos. And she brings the pillow everywhere lor. Even when checking into the hotel! I wonder if the receptionist got take her seriously one or not. HAHAH. LIKE SOME RETARD.

The roomies.

This Linnie keeps taking photos of Po when she wanna do up her Samurai ponytail using her handphone as a mirror. HAHAH.

Buck's stuffed dog which she kept torturing just cuz it has a super runny nose. See the brown string? That's the dog's mucus according to buck. So she punished it by tying its ears into knots. SO EVEIL! HAHAH. Bth that sam pat kia.

Stopped at Yong Peng or something for some bites. I didn't eat. Cuz I saw my results sent through SMS. HAHHA. Not that my results caused my loss of appetite. Just that I didn't feel hungry at all. HEH.

After some food for some people, we went back to the bus and continue on our way!


Finally we reached Genting!! WHEE~

Saw Sean & Maggie! Then Peiyu and her bf with their friends too! What a small world. We all reached on the same day and left on the same day too. HAHAH.

Anyways, we were unable to use the rooms right away because it was still being cleaned out. So we all sat outside the rooms like some beggars. HAAH. All lying around like what only at the corridors and blocking people from walking about. HEH. We're gooood.

Via's mummy said my luggage looked like a mushroom! A CUTE PINK ONE OKAY! WAHAHAH!

Finally, Buck's room was the first to be cleaned out. Not wanting to waste any time, everyone put their stuff in their room first and off we went to explore Genting!

Shawn ruvs his tea leaves eggs.

Linnie's bff kept beckoning her to join him in the Haunted House. HAHAH. You know you want cha~ HAHAH!

We first had lunch at Pizza Hut. Quite a disappointment actually. Singapore's one is much better I feel. Linnie and I still haven't had the chance to try our pizza with the cheese-filled crust! BOOHOO. We shall one day kay? hahah.

Sorry my face is gross, see star will make you happier. The purpose of this photo is cuz of my chio luggage.

Next, we all wanted to start on the exciting theme park rides right away! But...the outdoor theme park close around 6pm. And it was almost 3pm at that time, so we felt it was kinda wasteful if we bought the outdoor ticket. So we bought the indoor theme park ticket instead since it closes around midnight.

Sat on the indoor roller coaster which po has been eyeing ever since we sat down in pizza hut, due to the exciting screams and shouts the people give whenever they ride past us. HAHAH.

So off we trooped to the roller coaster. Was fun like how I remembered. The only downside was that it was much too short for a ride. Like less than 1 minute? Or at most 1 min and a few seconds. SO SHORT! Enjoy what neh neh sia. In fact, many of the more exciting and fun rides were super short. To me lah. Wonder how the others felt about it. HEH.

Went on the bumper cars next and I'm happy I got the pink one! WHEE~ Shiok to drive around and not to worry about knocking into anything! FINALLY. I think all drivers should go ride on the bumper cars once in a while to relieve stress and to get everything off their system. HAHAH.

We went on a few more slow rides next. There really wasn't much to do in the indoor theme park. OH. We did visit the 4D vision ride or something. Cannot remember the name. Ruv the cool 3D glasses. HAHHA. The show we watched was Haunted House. KNS. I see beh humji, why they cannot show the turtle show! TSK. Linnie kept screaming beside me. HAHAH. What only. She kept wanting to go to the Haunted House lor. The one where real people dress up as monsters to scare you one. Then now fake monsters who can't even touch her, she screams like that. SHUTS LAH. HAHAH. In the end we didn't go to the haunted house anyways. HENG. HAHA.

The cool 3D glasses.

Then nothing much to do already I think. We went outdoors to enjoy the shiok weather. Throughout my 3 days there, the first day's weather was most shiok. Pity we didn't get to spend much time outdoors then. Oh wells.

Sweet potato in cold weather is super comforting!! Major LOVE please!

This is the stupid flying coaster that hurt all of us. Bruises on the legs, hips, almost dislocated jaws and what nots.

Po is hungry.

For waffles! hahah.

Time for dinner. Via suggested the mushroom farm AKA mo gu yuan. There were 7 of us, so it wasn't that easy to get into a van altogether. But the driver of the van seems to know Via. He greeted her like an old friend and told her, "我叫我的老板来载你!" in a very 讲意气 tone. Wah sehhh. Via got connections in Genting one hor, mai siao siao. HAHAH! I kept re-enacting the face of the driver and stupid Linnie kept laughing like mad. HAHAH.

Arrived at Mushroom Farm!

Thank god for Via's 讲意气 friend sia. If not, I think we have to wait for very long to have our dinner already. Cuz when we reach, the place was already quite packed, but luckily we still managed to get seats for the 7 of us. Once we settled down and placed our orders, we looked around and saw the long queue outside. SEE BEH HNG PLEASE. Heh.

So many people already by the time we arrived.

We ordered like way too much food. 7 or 8 dishes for like 7 of us only lor. And ONE BIG FISH! WHAT SIA. I see already I shocked. HAHAH. I kept thinking to myself, cannot finish already, jia lat, so wasted and felt so sad. HAHHA. I'm so freaky I know, wasting food makes me so depressed. But YAY for boys and their bottomless pit for a stomach! The food didn't go to waste! We cleared almost all of it, left a few pieces of chicken and stuff here and there, but overeall is considered mission accomplished lah. The bill came up to about 151 RM. That's like 23 RM each and 11 bucks sing dollars. CHEAP CAN! We were all pretty happy with the dinner and the bill. =)

Power right?

Buck is shocked by the amount of food we have.


Back to the hotel after dinner. We decided to go to Snow World, as some of us have never visited it before. I was one of them. HEH.

The jackets and gloves were kinda stinky as so many people have worn it before. EEW MUCH. And inside Snow World, it was SUPER DUPER COLD! Wah liaooo. HAHA. My nose was all red and numb within a few minutes. We were all freezing our asses off inside there. Like pay money to make our life miserable only. HAHA. But at least we got memories and some photos for keepsake, also got free ice cream mah. So okay lah, got consolations prizes. Also got an extra 'gift' while sliding down the slope on floats. HAHAH.

Shawn kept covering his ears as you can see in the photos. Yes, it was THAT cold. HAAH.

Back to our rooms after that. Finally, all 3 rooms were clean and tidied up. Our room still reeks of ciggarette smell. DAMN YUCKS. Interjoining room was fun! I kept scaring them whenever I suddenly appear in the room out of nowhere. So funny lah! HAHAH!! Bth.

Everyone bathed, then gathered in Linnie's room for a little chat, then off we went to bed. It has been a long day after all.

In their PJs all ready for bed!


Day 2

We met at 9am to have our breakfast at the First World Cafe. Had lotsa eggs! Scrambled eggs, fried eggs, sunny sides up. WHEE! A pity the milk wasn't as fresh as Citin Pratunum's. I miss the spicy potato also!!

I think Linnie looks chio here. WAHAHA. Okay, don't too happy. HEH.


Too muchhhhhhhhh...

Ate till feel like puking already then we decided to stop. HAHAH. Bought tickets for the outdoor theme park. FINALLY! Our long awaited-dream~ Heng the weather was pretty good, although the sun was kinda strong. But at least it never rain! YAY to that. We were all pretty scared that it'll rain cuz Via checked the weather before we came and it says it will rain. So lucky. I'm a good 晴天娃娃. HAHA! (JI DAN! My room's door suddenly slammed shut at this moment and caused me to jump up in shock and yelp.)

Why can't the skies in Singapore look more like that?

A little sian that the CorkScrew and Super Tobbogan were closed for that day. URGH. Always like that one. When will be the day that EVERY SINGLE RIDE in the theme park will be open for the whole day!? Super stupid I tell you.

Nevertheless, we still had fun!

Pirate ship that got Linnie clinging onto Via and screaming "我要下去!" and Shawn grimacing like he was in pain. HAHHA!Bluff people one. Just a tunnel of darkness and nothing else.

Break to have some ice cream.

Buck ruvs her chestnuts. Kept wanting to challenge who can peel the most on every ride. HAHAH!

Time for the spinning ride.

We remained on solid ground cuz we were still too full from breakfast. HEH.

The Cyclone!

Go-Kart!Linnie still got time to twist. What a dangrous driver. Unlike me, serious and focused.

Toldcha so.

My turn on the spinning ride!

Wobbly legs after we touched down. hahah.

Orh hor, ni men hen naughty! Gossiping behind people's backs. Sun burn already still so naughty! *wags finger*

Only Po and I were game enough to ride on the wild wild wet ride or something. Cuz the others don't wanna get wet. What sissies. HAHAH.

Hoodies on to prevent hair from getting too wet.

And whee!!! I had to grip tightly onto the pole infront of Po (Geddit? HAHAH!) to prevent myself from sliding backwards when we're going up the slide.

And splash!!! FAB!

Faster fix hair and get ready for the next slide which is taller. HAHA.

And for our last ride of the day. The 'committing suicide' ride. As what Linnie and Buck called it. They 2 scaredy cats, so didn't ride on it. The rest of us did. It was Shawn's first time and he was pretty excited about it. So excited that he didn't mind riding alone with strangers. But that was only because he was having high tide and wanted to get the ride over and done with asap so he could go toilet. I THINK. HAHAHA!


Before 'committing suicide'. hahaa.

The 2 scaredy cats. HEH.

When it was our turn, I was pretty scared already. I kept wondering if my heart will burst due to the super fast speed. HAHA. And I also kept clinging onto my long hair cuz of the lame story! JI DAN. Forgot who was the one who started it one lor. Don't know true or not, but I still ain't gonna take no chances. HAHAH.

Good luck po! *thumbs up*

The ride was awesomeeee! As expected. I already forgot how the feeling was like as it was so many years ago since I last rode on it. My heart almost dropped out! HAHAH. But still shiok okay! ♥♥

After that ride, it concluded our trip at the outdoor theme park. We then set off for KL. Which was a HUGE mistake. HAHAH! Cuz of the super hot weather, a big contrast to the cooling wind in Genting. And the lame transportation system. I RUV SINGAPORE LOR SERIOUSLY. Very lazy to talk about how we got lost and such. All I'll say is, we set off for KL around 4pm. Reached our destination around 7plus pm. HAHHA! When it would normally take a person about 2 hours plus at most. We took 3 hours plus! NICE OR VART. YES I KNOW. We were all starving, hot and flustered when we finally reached Mid Valley Mega Mall. Shawn was super famished until he had hallucinations. A piece of paper looks like a bread to him. And even the pillars used to support the train tracks looks like sweet potatoes! HAHAH! SERIOUS HUNGER MUCH. Ah buck kept saying her friend Jessica cheat her feelings. HAHAH.

I forgot when Linnie got her candy floss already. So I just anyhow put it. HHAHA.

Before we set off to KL, we had our own mini camwhoring session. Camwhoring overload. Don't look if you just ate.

Sorry if you guys just puked your meal out or something. Ain't my fault. I warned ya.

Dislike the train system.

Lost in KL.


Everyone figuring out where to have dinner cuz we're all FAMISHED MAX!

Settled down at this Jap restaurant called YO! Sushi or something. So cute. I had like 2 plates of salmon sashimi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN DIE HAPPY NOW. HAHAH. The food was pretty okay and the service was good. The waiter offered to take a photo of us on his own when we didn't even ask or do anything that suggested we wanna take a group photo! We were just minding our own business when he offered. We were like, whoa? Nice. Why not? HAHHA. So kudos to him! =)

The covers so cute one, rounded.

Stupid buck said wanna take photo of my food. So I showed it to her then that ah gua included my face. Thanks.

After dinner we had about an hour to walk around. So we all split and met at Yo! Sushi an hour later. I had my beard papa's cream puff and Auntie Anne's sour cream and onion pretzel. I WAS TRULY A VERY HAPPY GIRL THEN.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ MAJOR ♥♥♥. HAHHA.

Rode back to the bus terminal and took a cab back as there were no more buses for us to take back to Genting anymore.

Reached First World and everyone was tired. But po was hungry. So we went to MarryBrown and got some supper. Poor Via was in pain all the way from KL to Genting. She had a tummyache. She finally got rid of it in Genting. HAHAH. Good for her.

So after supper, we went back to our rooms and took a shower. Then I squeezed with the girls and chatted about nonsense. Kept laughing very loudly. CUZ THEY ALL LAN DIAO ONE. HAHAHAH! Hoped we didn't disturb nobody. At around 2 plus am or something? We all slept.


Day 3

We met at 10am since it was our last day, so no point waking up so early. Checked out first and stored our luggage at the counter.

Decided to skip the First World Cafe's breakfast and tried something different. Via brought us to this Hong Kong Tea Restaurant, Tong Luo Wan.

The breakfast menu was very limited, so we just ordered 2 sets to share among us and wait till 11am to try the lunch menu. But sadly, the lunch menu also not very delicious leh. Linnie and I ordered the same dish and I totally cannot finish mine. BOOHOO. Upset max. But I really very full and feel like puking already. HAHAH. I kept feeling like puking throughout the trip lor. WTH.

Happy faces at breakfast! (",)

I quite like the sandwiches.

Neh finish. BOOHOO.

Then we walked around and shopped a little bit before we went to take our baggages and off we go to the bus terminal.

Was surprised we still fit! HEH HEH.

I bought cup corn before going off and it sucked! TO THE MAXI CAB! Super soggy and no taste! WTH. Kept whining to Linnie and asked Via to help me throw the whole cup into the dustbin. HAHHA.

So board bus - stop to buy some 土产 - toilet stop and dinner - customs - reached Singapore Boon Lay Shopping Centre - took 99 home.

Our bus back home was super big with lotsa leg space and entertainment system! Although I didn't use any. I just K.O all the way. HAHAH.

Hope we'll meet again Genting! =))))

And that is the end of my Genting travelogue. Although some people say Genting is pretty boring as there is nothing much to do, I beg to differ. I had fun there and I'm sure the others agree with me. As long as you're with the right company, even staying at home, pigging out watching movies on the couch is super fun. I'm glad I have friends like that. I RUV YOU ALLLLLL HEN DUOOO!

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