Sunday, May 30, 2010

Chill Pill

Sometimes I think * should take a chill pill. Things are not as bad as they seem. At least nobody died or anything. And so what if people tend to do things at the last minute? Better than getting nothing done right.

* don't have to show a black face and then just say things which people really don't wanna hear. Everyone make mistakes. And by emphasizing on them, * just making things difficult for everyone.

Seriously, try to understand that not everyone is as neat as *, like cleanliness the same way * do or feel whatever * feeling all the time. Don't force * feelings onto others. That sucks.

I admit we are at wrong at times, but * don't have to make a mountain out of a molehill. Who would like that? Nobody. Put yourself into our shoes occasionally. I know it's not easy being an adult, but who says being a kid is any easier? So many rules to follow, so many don'ts, so many no's, so many can'ts. It never ends. Sometimes it seems like we live for others and not for oursleves.

I am feeling super cranky because I'm super deprived of sleep. Having only slept 3 hours the day before, I am feeling many mixed emotions. Nothing pleasant mind you.

I think I shall head to bed. BYE EVERYONE. And good night.

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