Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sex and The City 2!

I caught Sex and The City 2 last tuesday because I really liked the first movie. It's all very girly with the fashion, beautiful locations and sceneries and what nots. I liked the sequel's humor more though. I mean the first one was pretty funny but the second was really HAHAHAHA!! Serious. Love Samantha! Her character is just so dynamic and not bashful AT ALL. Hahaha. Where do you find women like that nowadays??

So yes everyone. PLEASE GO CATCH SEX AND THE CITY 2 KAYS!! I promise you won't regret it and will laugh alot througout the whole movie. HEH.

Sarah Jessica Parker looks really pretty in this.

I think this was the first dress she appeared in. I really liked this one. So classy and elegant. So Carrie. HAHAH.

Having lotsa fun in Abu Dhabi.

Even though they're not exactly GIRLS anymore, but they still behave like one sometimes. Surprisingly, it's so NOT a turn off. They're such sweet people that you can't help falling in love with them. I really really RUV the friendship they have! Such soulmates. I hope me and my girls can be like that too! HEE.

I really wanna get the whole series from SARAH JANE TEO liao lor!! HAHAH.

Anyways, it seems like I can't stop spending these few days! Look at the amount of stuff I've got!

From Daiso. Tried the milk purin already. AND IT WAS SUPER SWEET. Omg, wonder if I did anything wrong, but not going to buy it again anytime soon.

From Watsons. Both my make up remover and hair conditioner ran out. So I bought new brands to try. Cleansing express bright up for removing make up. It smells a little like bread pudding or something. HAHA. And the essential's conditioner just smells so fabulous!! This floral citrus smell which I bet Po would love it. Heh.

Nail Polish from Ettusais! Gorgeous colours!! HEE. I can't wait to try them out. I also got a free eye make up remover as gift with purchase. Lucky me. =))

This just came in yesterday from F21. SO CUTE! Sad to say, the hello kitty top was kinda big for me. Neh mind, I shall work something out. But on a happier note, MY PINK GLITTER WALLET! omg, I'm so in love with glitter and I don't even know why. SUPER BIMBO I know. Can't help it. haha.


All these has caused much damage to my bank account. PLEASE LEMME STOP.

Okay lah, shall stop here.

I'm still a little upset that one of my plushies which fats and I named, "Sugar" was thrown down the rubbish chute today. Fats got it in Hangzhou in 2008. It was just the sweetest little thing we've ever seen. We named it "Sugar" cuz that's what written on her shirt. She has these 2 cute little hair balls that twirl around her when we shake her. And she has the rosiest cheeks I have ever seen on a plushie. AWW MANN.

You'll be sorely missed Sugar. Along with 3 poohs and 1 milk bottle. R.I.P

Sorry there's no photo of her. Pops really need to double confirm before throwing anything away! URGH. I wonder if the people collecting the garbage will actually save the plushies or not since they all looked pretty new.

*weeps with sorrow*

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