Sunday, April 06, 2008

Omen...OH NO!!

As some of you know, fats lost her handphone like 1 week ago? On friday when she went to Bugis to watch some performance with the YHHB people. I met her when I was walking home from JE interchange. When she told me she lost her phone, I almost screamed out loud. If not for her friends all standing around her, I might have just scolded like a mad woman. So I just gave her huge pinch on her fat arm. wahaha...

On the way home, I nagged non stop. She kept mostly quiet but retorted sometimes. I don't care and just kept on nagging all the way until I reached home.

So came next friday which was the speech day. When I reached home after the speech day performance, she was already at home. Watching The Omen. She asked me to watch it with her. I said okay, I have to shower first though. So she said alright then, she'll switch it to another channel until I'm done. The Omen is quite a scary show to us. We're both scaredy cats.

So while I was in the shower, I suddenly heard my sister gave quite a loud shout. I thought nothing of it because I thought she was watching The Omen. I was thinking to myself, "serves her right for acting brave and watching it without me." *snicker*. The she said to don't know who. "eh! I lost my phone lei!" Like duh!! Who doesn't know already? Did she develop amnesia? Hmm, might be the time when I knocked hard on her big hollow head...

I thought nothing of it but I froze when I heard what she said next. "Why is my phone in my room...CHARGING!!?" I was like...WHAAAAAAA............TTT!!? The phone was lost so many days ago! Exactly one week eh!! Now it's in our room and charging somemore!!! What the hell is going on!!?

"wah liao. I watching Omen lei." Suddenly one big gust of cold wind blew past me in the bathroom. I shuddered like don't know what. I suddenly become very scared. I almost screamed out loud when I heard a knock on the bathroom door. Stupid fats.

Told her I don't know anything about the recovered phone. Maybe bra had something to do with it. So I quickly finish showering and watch The Omen with fats. Bra came home and we asked him about it. He said huh as in the question mark huh and both of us got more afraid.

Bra called parents and we finally found out the reason why the phone suddenly appeared in our room. Some kind soul returned it to our parents. Lucky fats stored dad's phone number as daddy. If she stored as lim beh or something, the person might not understand dialet. Later she call the number and said "Is this Mr Lim?" My dad might just answer "Sorry it's Mr Wong." and kup the phone. Then the phone might never be returned! So HENG UH!!

And hor...I don't understand why the person took so long to contact my parents luh. Bloody irritating. Made me feel the pinch for so long. Slap her/him (if is ah gua, don't know is wat. It maybe?) uh. wahaha...

Finished watching The Omen and made me sleepless. Slept at like 3am plus luh. And I had work in the morning the next day lor. Super tired. Luckily some of the kids made me smile and felt a lil more energised. haha...

Was watching The Shanghai Noon on HBO this evening. I watched it before but the second time you watch, you'll just notice the little details and remember them. I just kept laughing when I saw this scene. Told it to fats and we kept laughing and laughing. wahahaha...

Jackie Chan is called John Wayne. Apparently his name is Jiang Wen since he's coming from China and all. (Don't know where the hell did he learn to speak English in the movie.) Owen Wilson is Roy O' Bannon if I'm not wrong. He can't pronounce Jiang wen so he called him John Wayne. haha...

John and Roy are locked up in a cell. They tried to think of ways to get out.

Roy: *muttering to himself* ok. we've got pillows, chairs, blankets, towels and a bed...put them all together and what do we get??

John started looking around, tore part of his clothes and started to piss on them.

Roy: *noticed what John is doing* Hey! what are you doing? Stop that! *covers eyes with hands*

John: *finished pissing, picked up the wet shirt and held it out to Roy* Hold this for me.

Roy: *backs away immediately* No! It's your shirt! You hold it yourself! What the hell are you doing!!?

John: Wet shirt no break. *proceeds to tie the wet shirt around the cell bars*

Roy: This is all you can come up with? Pissing on your shirt? Just...stop that. It's...embarrassing. *sat down on one of the beds, dejected*

*John started to twist the wet shirt with a stick and the bars started to bend*

Roy: *looks up amazed* Hey...

John: *smiles* I told you so.

Roy: No no. You told me wet shirt no break. Not pissed shirt bend bars. Now let's get out of here!

*Stood up and went over to John and "helped" him*

waahahha...kept laughing when i heard what he said.

When we were on the car back home from dinner just now, fats and I kept laughing on the car because I told her stupid jokes and we just couldn't stop laughing. muahahahah!!!

And OH! The part about the gust of cold wind in the bathroom? I was actually lying. heh.


ben: now then you know i'm smart? you so stupid. wahaha...why go around tagging about people's girlfriends huh? haha...don't bluff luh. you must have missed me loads. wahahahah!!

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