Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pepper oh Pepper...

Pepper's been giving all of us loads of headaches lately. Cuz she don't know where is the right place to do her business. Her businesses are like 4 to 5 times daily? Or maybe more, I don't know, I didn't count.

I've been like sleeping late and waking up early cuz of her. What a good girl. My precious little thing. hahaha...

Can anyone give any suggestions or ideas as to how to train her faster? The right way, must be tested and proven effective one hor. Don't anyhow gimme nonsense which I know some of you people are only capable of doing. Thanks loads first to whoever is kind enough to contribute.

My vision is like totally blurred when I look at the computer screen. Bloody irritating I tell you. One blink and all's blurred, then it slowly starts to focus but then you cannot keep your eyes open for so long right, so you blink again. BLURRED AGAIN. kns. Is it because of the cheapo contacts I wear? I thought all contact lens are the same luh. The only difference is like their price? Gee, I don't know. Guess I thought wrong. I'm only meant for high class stuffs. Sorry hor.

*yawn* Should really be sleeping at this hour. Hope I can see clearly again. Doctor says my eyes are fine the last time I went for the check up. Oh wells. People from NUH one, should trust them I guess. Ciao people!! Nights.


OuyangWudi: eh what. you don't jealous can. go create a blog luh. haha...

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