Monday, May 26, 2008

Wah Liao eh TSK!! See Beh Upset lar!!!

Wah liao!!!!!!!!

I lost my ez link card!!!!! I don't know if it's at home now or out there somewhere. It's freakin irritating and pissing me off and making me bloody upset thus see beh moody and feel like scolding every single person I talk to. URRRGGGGHHHH!~!!!!!!!

If you have picked up my card and you're reading this, kindly give it back to me you asshole!!! What's taking you so long to return it?? It doesn't even have your fugly face on it!!! Don't take something that doesn't belong to you ok?? I hate it when people find something really important belonging to other people and just decide to keep it or do whatever except return it to the rightful owner. Handphones are huge victims nowadays. Irritating shit!!!

To make matters worse, the right part of my nose is like blocked. It's making me unable to sneeze and it's so unbearable!! Have you ever had the wanting-to-sneeze sensation coming up but cuz of your blocked nose, you're unable to do so?? That's what I have been going though for the past couple of days!!! It make my right eye tear every single time!! I have been having blurry vision again!! WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA NOW HUH!!!!???

I have totally no mood now. Unless I find my ez link card. GOODBYE YOU PEOPLE.



JASON: cannot hah? slap you!

OuyangWudi: feel like slapping and screaming at you everytime you open that mouth of yours!!!!! ARGH!!!

sarahjaney: you den uh. SPAY YOU TILL YOU BTH!.

Lynden: that's how we call him de ma...

via: you de most NNP.

SIEW: updated. and im not happy.

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