Friday, June 13, 2008

Holiday fun!

First week of my 2 weeks break is almost over. THIS SUCKS TO THE MAX. SERIOUSLY.

Have to seriously start doing work during 2nd week already. NO SLACKING OKAY!!

Anyways...I finally went tanning! A long whined talked about thing on my to do list which I've never got round to doing it. Reason simply because, I don't like the sun. Yes yes, ironic, contradicting, whatever. hahaha...I really get uncomfortable feeling heat on my skin. So NOW you know why I'm not very into sports. BUT that doesn't mean I'm a weakling okay! I passed all my bloody NAPFA tests!! Stupid You-Not-Nice Yeo looked down on me!!! HATE CHEW.

Okays, tanning with CLAIRE tan at Sentosa was fun. It was the first time I went to Sentosa with such a miserable amount of people. Just the 2 of us. Bloody boring you say? Well, actually...IT WAS MUCH MORE FUN!

I always thought that going to a place like Sentosa requires more people to make it fun, but that sun tanning session proved me wrong! WAY WRONG. 大错特错 不要来 侮辱我的美!

When people say the more the merrier, it ain't true at times. I mean of course, if you're having a's the more the merrier luh. If not what you gonna do at a partaye? I stare you, you stare me then gang fight right? NICE.

Two people can do many stuffs that one whole group can't. We can gossip and bitch about people. Okay, you can do that too in a group, but what if you want to gossip about someone whom is close to one of the people in that group? What can I say? YOU SUAY LOR. We can also just lie on the sand the whole time doing nothing without people saying we're nua-sters. (see JOHNNY! all your fault!!) And we can buy a cup of NEAR steaming noodles and eat under the hot sweltering heat. (or not. Was quite windy that day. HEH.) We can also camwhore for as long as we like without anyone giving us an annoyed look and going "Wah Liao eh TSK! Enough anot? TSK!" at us. We can just do whatever we like the whole damn time we're there! hahaaha...

I enjoyed it and I'm sure CLAIRE enjoyed it too. MUAHAHA~

This time no photos! Too hot for you guys to take already. HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHA!!!

And today~~~buck and me finally managed to curb our withdrawal symtoms for the past 6 months. WE FINALLY SANG KARAOKE!! CONGRAGULATIONS AND CELEBRATION~~ Really, when we reached Bugis the 2 of us could't take it and kept on complaning to each other lor. We were like, "Imagine! People like us! Didn't sing for half a year! How can!!" Cuz if you know buck, she was known as the "Walking Radio" in sec school. Making noise melodious sounds all the damn time.

We sang for like 5 and a half hours! Freakin song luh!! Song=comfortable in dialect. Not that the songs we sang were freaks or...wha?? NEH MIND.

Actually, we can sing for 7 hours, but being noobsters (JOHNNY! Wah liao eh TSK!) we didn't know what time it started and reached 1 and a half hour late. But still, I think it's much better than K box that money sucking outlet. wahahahaah~

I was so tired that I slept all the way back to Jurong East on the train. Met via and had dinner at KFC. Walk around for a while and balek kampong. Don't know how to spell ah. Sorry to my malay friends. heh. Correct me please.

OH! Thanks Johnny Low for your generous help!! hahahaah!

Joke of the NIGHT:

I was disturbing fats and doing stupid faces.

Fats: You're horrifying~ *saying it in that stupid slang we always use*

Me: eh? What? YOU'RE A HOLY FART!!? Yes you are!!

*Laughing like there's no tomorrow!!!!*


OuyangWudi: You damn lames. She also say I'm dumb what. So all's fair! haha. and i dont care, he's SIMKIMTACK!!! wahahaha...

Lazygurlgurl: eh what. hahahah...You also got wear don't wee you wee me when I haven wee you wee you hor. hahaha...

HUITING: cannot. later you nose bleed. muahahaha! You show me yours first! hahahah....sucker you not nice!

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