Friday, June 06, 2008

Weekend fun!

NOTE: This post was written on 1 June 2008 Sunday. Pardon the tardiness. hahaha...

On sunday, we celebrated popo's birthday at Boon Lay Raja the Boon Lay branch. Jurong East has a branch too, but we didn't book there. The food wasn't all that fantastic and it cost quite a bomb. Personally, I think it was totally NOT worth it. The ambience was not very good also. I shall not say too much, cuz this kind of things are all planned by the adults. So...ZIP.

On saturday, we had a birthday celebration for via's 18th 19th birthday! Yep. Your eyes didn't fail you and neither did my fingers. It WAS her 19th birthday! I'm not kidding you! Her lunar birthday falls on that day! So we were just right! hahaha...hope she had a great time cuz I did! =]

OH YA! Pepper hurt her right front leg! She fell from fatsie's arms while fats was carrying her. If you guys have seen fatsie before, you'll know how fat TALL she is. So falling from her arms ain't no fun game. What a brave little girl I've got! No crying, no whining, no nothing. Even when she got her injection today, no sound made. She can still happily hop towards me when I came home from school today. She hopped. LITERALLY. She's always hopping now, cuz only 3 legs can be used. POOR THING. I bet your heart would break the moment you see her. BOOHOO. Fats cried a whole lot last night. hahaha...

Anyways, we got our darling a bed! The price is like CHI BA BOM LOR!! But it looks so cute! Even I want a bed like that. haha. Parents are being jealous. Mum asked bra to buy an expensive pillow for her too. Dad kept telling Pepper how lucky she is. She is indeed lucky. We love her so so much! Luckily for us, she loves us so so much too!!

Photos up!

When the whole lot of us (including loads of others) sent mdm peng off for shanghai at the airport.
withs mys Bbs!!! LOVESS HERS LOADSS!! muahahaahhas~

in the car towards Boon Lay Raja...

guess we're having LOADS of fun huh?

Bra and dumb...

dumb and her mum AKA san gu...

me mam and dad...

happy looking faces~

everyone says they have the exact same face! hahaha...

my da bo. the planner of this whole celebration. hahaha...


I totally HEART my new ear rings!! =]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]

first dish of the night! Longevity peaches! They were not exactly peaches, they just looked like it. It's actually a bun with sweet fillings. Don't know what's it called in english. haha...

second dish-shark's fin!! YAY! It was kinda good. I specially like the soup.

Third dish-Abalone with mushroom. The abalone was one of the biggest I've eaten. I can still remember the juice oozing onto my tongue when I bit into it. mmmm~

Fourth dish-Chicken. Didn't really fancy it. I like fried chicken best! KFC!!!! muahaahahah~

Fifth dish-fish. Quite likeable. The fish was soft and all. I LIKE~

OOH~popo like too. hahaha...

Sixth dish-Vegetables covered with fish roe. It's fish's eggs if you guys were wondering. Not as disgusting as it sounded. It was good. haha...So now you know. Looks AND names can be decieving. hahaha...

Seventh dish-prawns. Which were quite good.

One last dish before the desserts~~

HUAT AH! hey...wait a minute...ain't new year over like tons of years ago!?


with the cousin who never smiles. Neh. the act dao one in white. haaha...

my shy little nephew. he's going to be a second brother soon! he has an elder bro. his momsie is expecting another boy soon! haha. when can we get a girl around here uh??

1st dessert- a complimentary one. quite okay. haha...

2nd dessert-i like the soup. hahaha...

the skirt which I bought in Perth. 第一次亮相嘞! 哈哈!我喜欢,雅龅也喜欢。嘻嘻!

Pepper darling looking so cute!!

pepper's trying to kiss me!!



fats with pepper!!

pepper in her new bed!

Our darling~~

UPDATES: pepper's much better now. She can walk and run on all 4 legs! She's a happy girl once again!! YAY~

PS: It's damn lames that a new weekend is here already and then this post comes up. haha...anyways, for via bday celebration photos, go here if you wanna see it. =]

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