Sunday, July 27, 2008

Momsie's Birthday Celebration!

On friday it's momsie's 47th birthday!! Too bad I had night classes on friday, if not, we can all go for a sumptuous birthday dinner! CURSES~~~

Anyways...I alighted at Yew Tee station and my parents came to pick me up. Okay, this sounds like it's MY birthday instead but there is a reason for this "special treatment" alright? hahaha...

See here, every friday, my parents always will have a gathering with their friends. Almost everytime it's around CCK and YT area, so since it's just along the way, I get a lift home! YAY. Another reason is...cuz it's my momsie's birthday, I told them that until I'm home...NOBODY touches the birthday cake. So yea, guess they all wanted to touch the cake really soon eh? hahahah.

When I reached home, bra, lijun and fats were already home. I immediately attacked one of the doughnuts from Muchy Doughnuts which lijun bought. I'm not a big fan of doughnuts cuz I always think they're much too sweet for me. Luckily, the ones I had, they were nice. Not too sweet. Just nice, and it's chocolates!! I ADORE CHOCOLATES! But then again, who doesn't? hahaha...

After a while, momsie's younger bra AKA my xiao jiu, came with his family. Parents invited them over to have a drink or two and can also celebrate momsie's birthday. heh.

So we all set up e cake and started the photo takings and singing of birthday song. No presents for momsie except for the cake, cuz I haven bought anything yet. But I gave her present to her yesterday. Fats and I shared the present. It's a classy purple l0ng wallet. A lil too classy for momsie I think, but sometimes change is good right? YEA.

Photos we took on momsie's birthday!

Bra's helping with the setting up of the cake!


Look at my spastic expression. Peps was trying to kiss me and I was telling her "Look there! Pepper there!" Thus the retarded face and finger pointing.

There. Much better. *smiles*

Xiao Jiu and family. My xiao jiu ma damn farnie. Put twist on dad's head. She always like to disturb my dad. hahaha. LAMES.

Happy Momsie!

1,2,3 BLOW!! The candles dammit! What were you thinking?

SOOOO CUTEEE! Pepper not me ok. For some reason, peps look so emo elmo. hahaha...

PS: This is so random but I think my glasses make me look so geeky. heh.


OuyangWudi: im not a full time gamer. YOU ARE. don't shift the blame onto me hor. and my blog is not rotting!!

hi: ya. right. thanks. hahaha...stop making fun of my darling hor!

Shawn: hello! haah. yes. It's my blog. hahah...come every thurs to pick jia up k? muahahaha...

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