Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Break Ups...

Break ups are one thing that nobody in the whole wide world wants to go through. EVER. It's so saddening and torturing of course. To sum it all in one word, it's KANNASAI. No better word than this. heh.

Just yesterday, I recieved a sms. From my DEARIE. I mean, it's nothing much right. Doesn't your dearie text you all the time just cuz he/she misses you? Yes, so my dearie smsed me and once I read the text, I swear I could feel my heart shattering into billion of pieces.

The sms read, "I am attached. *smiley face*" (STILL DARE TO SMILEY ME SOME MORE! GRR!)

I couldn't believe my eyes! So I composed myself and realised that it's nothing. Dearie IS attached...TO ME! So I replied her saying, "What only. I knew you were attached like long ago lah. and blah blah blah..." Dearie then replied, "He. Your dearie is attached. Whee. *smiley face again*" ( i'm so gonna tear the smile to shreds!) That's when I realised that dearie ain't talking about me!! It was some one else!!!MY DEARIE IS ATTACHED TO SOMEONE ELSE! AND THAT SOMEONE ELSE AIN'T ME!!! AHHHH!!! *high pitched scream*

Immediately, I panicked. Dearie is leaving me...FOR GOOD. (or maybe not. You guys might not work out in the en...OOPS. heh) I didn't reply dearie's sms after that. It felt as if the world suddenly stopped. My oxygen level was going down with every passing milisecond. (That might be because my nose was blocked and I didn't breathe through my mouth either. Yea, that explains it.) Basically, I was kinda in a wrecked state.

I don't wish to elaborate further cuz I think it'll generate more hate against Dearie. But yes, this is my first ever break up and I now understand why so many people can commit suicide over love. How more bird brained touching and in love can they get?

But I'm not as stupid and CAG NOBLE as them you know. I can't bring myself to go to the LIGHT for love. I still have many things I want to do, many things left unsaid and many people I haven't met. (or so I thought.)

OH WELLS. Don't ask me about this. It's all over. Recovering in process. So no worries guys!

I'm all GOOD! *weak smile plus a thumbs up*

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