Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Weekends are BEST!

On saturday, I went to Raffles Place for ASHR. Otherwise known as Advanced Student Honour Roll to Kumon peeps. heh. I had an enjoyable day and I didn't feel sleepy!! Cuz I was standing all the time and the hours are much shorter. muahaha...we worked for only like 2 to 3 hours? HEH.

The kids are all SOO cute! I mean, some kids I see them all the time lah. But there are others whom I don't see cuz they're not in my shift. Now that I've seen them, I have a little impulse of wanting to work all the shifts! hahahaha! NAH. Just kidding. I'm not THAT obsessed really. I'm only obsessed with HIM. MUAHAHA. sian. Never take photo with him lor. So fast go home. SUCKS.

After ASHR, boss treated us to HANS. I ate till damn full! And Sabrina was such an EFFICIENT supervisor! hahah...shall nominate her for the Good Service award and let her be promoted. hahahaha! damn farnie really.

So, everyone went separate ways. Stupid dearie PS me to go PS. She "invited" me along, but I'm not dumb. Even if I go with her to PS, she'll still PS me after PS. SO NO! You go yourself uh!! wahahaha...Heard that she enjoyed herself at night. Which I'm so happy for her. tee hee...

my favourite AMOS!!! damn cute, will always call us jie jie when he sees us. Lucky he's in all my shifts. tee hee...

his sister...ashley. Initially when I started work there, both of them was SOOO SHY! But after countless times of shameless FUN teasing...the ice finally broke. Amos always talked cock to us when he sees us. Ashley is much more shy though. But recently, she has started to open her golden mouth too. hahah...

This here is little miss sarah, pro in english. She's only p2 but she's like doing p5 eng! 3 years above her current level! When I first got to know her, I thought she was so rude and attitude. I called her name to ask her to take back her worksheets and she was like "what~~~!" So irritated with me, cuz I disturbed her reading. tee hee...what a bookworm. But over time, she became more friendly and also not so irritated when I called her name. She'll say "wait." sometimes. No more irritated what. hahah...pardon the stupid face. Her lil bro was disturbing the photo. I wanted to take with him also then he suddenly run off and laughed! BRAT! hahah...

The kumon peeps plus some other students and their parents. =] Some of the kids' parents are like bloody farnie luh!!! muahahahahah~I LIKE! *wide smile*

My talking cock kahkis! =]

At night, went to er jiu's house to celebrate wai po's birthday. Not a complete family, but we still took the family photo anyways. er yi zhang got a DSLR, so we took one pretty one. I think the photo turned out really nicely and pepper's in the photo! She's totally part of the family already! So proud of her! TEE HEE~

in the car with peps while waiting for the others cuz they're visiting popo at st luke's. HEH. I know I looked like cock here. but what the heck.

with fats. We were constantly outside at the buffet. Not cuz we're gluttons mind you, is cuz peps can't go inside de house. Or rather, we don't let her in, in case she do something naughty. heh.

DJ MAX. damn sian. hahaha...

Look at bra that big fat glutton opening the mouth so wide to swallow the poor innocent sushi. wahahaha.


My tallie cousin. She's almost the same height as I am and she's only 14! dammit.

as you can see...peps was a CROWD FAV! heh. my pretty baby. *smile*

damn irritating cousin who kept on shooting whatever I said. Always been this case ever since I learnt how to talk! suckerrr. He's a CAG with around the same waistline as me. EEW. Gimme a G! Gimme a A! Gimme a Y! And what does it say!? GAY! *shakes pom pom*

er xin! I can wear his army uniform and it fits me to a T!!! DAMMIT! and he's at least 1.8 know. Not some short shit. ARGH!!

The family photo! Can you spot pepper?? heh...

On sunday, our boss AKA lao da AKA JSJ treat me and Sar Ah Ja Ne to Sakae Sushi. (JUSHI. heh.) People rich liao can...heh. Had a fun time catching up, gossiping and talking cock. Stupid sarah keep on abusing my body!! SUCKER BUCKER YOU! HATE CHEW SO MUCH! SPAY YOU UH!!

stupid sarah jane is damn obsessed with me. i know.

TWISTS~or rather. CHOP! haha...

Lao da! why so sian!? haha...

ok lah. smile! heh. =] show off cards some more.

pretty pastel coloured plates! Our "achievement" of the day!

Our desserts! *smacks lips*

farnie faces lao da give~hahaha...

SARAH and WA~she keeps on complaining she looks damn ugly. idiot.

people dont wanna take wit chew lah. dont want face!

still not very reluctant. hahah...

she likes me better k. muahahah~

sorry ah, eyes itchy. heh.

cool photos...very cool photos~~ heh.

Spoiler sarah left early to be a good girl. So jsj and I walked around Plaza Sing and I bought my FBT shorts. heh. Like finally??? Now my destiny...don't remember. heh. We walked and talked and also made a pit stop at Yamaha Music Square. I wanted to look at the beautiful flutes. heh. Concidentally, jsj's friend is a staff there. Stupid jsj told him I play the bassoon. THANKS. I still remember the notes and fingerings all k! I'll play my scale for you sometime. HAA!

Then we went on to look at the pianos, her friend said we could play on them. I pointed out to him about the signs on the piano that specifically said "Do not practice on the piano." He said can PLAY, but cannot PRACTICE. There is a difference in these two words. hahaha...He went on to explain and made us laugh. muahahaha...JSJ and him kept on urging me to play a tune or two for them, but sorry...I dont have any tunes that are worth showing off in public. Plus I damn shy ok. So too bad, no er fu! hahaha...

We recieved VIP treatment when he brought us into the grand piano room. The grand pianos are like all DAMN CHIO AND EX! You can really buy a comfortable car with some of their prices. GOD. Wassup with that man! haha...He then closed the curtains and entertained us with the automatic piano which plays by itself. COOLIO! Jsj said it lacked expressions and feelings though. I thought it was nice all the same. hahaha!!

Then her friend went off to serve customers and we went off too. Ate pastamania de pizza and jsj took a day off on monday since she don't feel like working. Cool right. Buay song can don't go work de know! Working society have its perks too. hahaha! Then most of the shops closing liao. I wanna eat my auntie anne's...BUT CLOSED ALREADY! BOOHOO. Neh mind lah. It's not going to run away anyways. So went home. Tee hee...I took the wrong side of the train. Don't tell jsj! She'll laugh at me!! muahahha...suckshit.

Yep, so that's about it for my weekend programme. heh.

PS: Do you guys think it's ok to be with someone when there is a 8 year age gap difference? Tell me why if you said either yes or no? HEH.


To all regarding the break up post: I'm fine lah! No worries okay!! muahahah...and I still love u loads my dear TOMMY TOM TOM~~ *kisses*

hanwei: i'm much too strong for that. heh.

ouyangwudi: yes. his eng is good. muahahah

HUITING: why u goodness till like that?? haha...siao kia!

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