Tuesday, July 08, 2008

So what?

I was bloody pissed off by some idiot's comments today. Okay. Not exactly PISSED. This is to strong a word. I was more of bloody IRRITATED.

Don't you realise that everything you say need to go through your brain first? You gotta process it and decide if it's appropriate to let it come out through that freaking useless hole of yours on your face right below your nose. Sometimes, some things are not very nice to say to other people you know.

I really agree with many others who say that you always talk without using your brain. Today just left me thinking, do you even HAVE a brain?

So what if I'm not a VERY sporty person? I know I'm hum ji okay, but I am confirm not hum ji to the extent that I will run away from any kind of sports balls! Please lah. Not like it's gonna kill me okay. The only time you'll see me running away from a ball is when we're playing dodgeball. Are we playing that anytime soon? Have we even DISCUSSED about playing dodgeball? NO RIGHT?

So don't say things that you THINK you know. You think, I thought then who so nice will confirm for you? NOBODY! So keep your senseless comments to yourself alright? There's SOO much to be said about you, not very nice things too, and no one have ever said anything to you. See? This is a very fine example of talking with a BRAIN. That's where WE'RE are different from YOU. WE HAVE A BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!

URGH!!!!!!!!! *high-pitched scream*

Hope whatever the other guys are planning against you, they better carry it out. *evil grin*

Anyways, lappy is "discharged" from the "hospital". They did nothing to it. NOTHING! Waste my time. I should have brought it back and do it myself earlier then I can use it earlier too. Suckshit. Lucky they didn't charge me. If not, I'll sure COMPLAIN!!! *curse and swear*

Adapter problem still not fixed. Shall fix it real soon den.

RAD presentation on thursday! SHIT.

k, bye peeps!


eh: you think go post in forum got use meh? people will think you siao lor. hahaa...

msXIANG: i'm so gonna go NP alumni soon!! why we don't have a NYP alumni!! suckshit. hahaha...

fanni: eh what what! stop scolding me everytime you tag here can!! slap ur nnp ah!! i think is YOU JINX lor. ever since I met you at miss clarity cafe, I always seemed to be down on my luck!youuu!! gimme back my everything!!! BOOHOO!

mrSAM: I hope I can get one at 10 bucks. muahahah!! okays, shall go check it out sooonnn~thanks for telling!

OuyangWudi: what pepper noobs! next time don't ever eat pepper ah!!! SLAPS YOU!

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