Thursday, July 03, 2008

Spoil Lah!


This is not a very good period for me. So many things spoil!

My laptop and adapter spoil lah. So sar ah ja ne, stop shouting and screaming in CAPS asking me to update can!!!!? SUCKER~

wahahahaha... many things happened lately. But I'm damn bloody lazy to update anything. hahaha...

so eh...BUAI people!!!


fanni: i got put **** for shit meh? hahaha...what farnie. the person is like damn bloody irritating lah. ask him get back money for you lah!! wahahah...

OuyangWudi: what blur actor? i wish i could bite him. but i'm too nice already can. haha...

sarahjane: stay there forever all you like!! hahahahah...

msXIANG: suckers. all never wait for mi to have good show and tiramisu. tiramisu some more!!!! slaps all of chew!!!

erm: eh. can't online hah. hahaha...

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