Friday, August 15, 2008


I remember this passage in our sec 4 chinese textbook. hahaha...It's one of my favourite in the textbook. I'm usually not a fan of those passages which are not narrative and talk a lot of "meaningful" things about life and all. I find it all so boring. hahaha...But 生命的化妆 was kinda interesting cuz it touched a LITTLE on make-up. hahaa...Just that LITTLE bit. But the whole point of the passage was not about the make-up lah. It's about how you live life and be happy with who you are and things like that. It's really meaningful WITHOUT the " ". hahaha.

I bet you guys are wondering what made me think about this. So random. I know I know. The reason being is cuz I went out to study with Claire(JY) and Noel(OHT) (couldn't help giggling when I typed this. hahaha!) and Claire was saying that she wanted to go running at night before dinner. She has been running quite regularly recently. I felt that it was very healthy. I would never do that. The one sport that I totally dislike is jogging. I always found it a chore to run the 1.6 and 2.4 during our NAPFA tests. I have you people know that I ALWAYS pass my NAPFA test one ok! I don't know where people get this idea that I'm bloody prone to failing. I NEVER failed!!!!! URGH. Stupid people anyhow stereo type! *slap everyone who said that I fail*

Anyways, back on track. I will never go jogging to keep myself healthy. I'm a well-known couch potato. I'm not ashamed to admit that. hahaha...Recently, I've been eating quite A LOT at night. My night is like 10pm plus and sometimes 11 plus closing to midnight. I would feel these hunger pangs and have this strong urge to eat something. I usually don't eat though, if it's nearing midnight. But after work, I'll reach home at around 10 and I'll eat cuz I really am hungry. I usually don't eat dinner when I work though. Just bread. haha. It's enough to last for the few hours. Then I'll eat something when I go home.

Momsie kept telling me it's going to make me fat and unhealthy. She says I'm gonna look like her in a little while if I kept up with this bad habit of mine. Have you guys seen my momsie before? Everyone, okay not everyone, just adults. heh. Every adult said that we look exactly alike. Hence, my fat and round face. Thanks a mil momsie. hahaha...If you guys haven't seen my momsie before, she's a lil on the plum side. hahha...She's also the shortest in the family standing at 1.67m. hahaha...I'm second shortest by the way. Fats caught up with me really quick over the years. CURSES~~~

So the point is, I don't want to look like momsie. I don't want to be over 60kg!! I'll die if I'm 60. I'm dangerously inching nearer and nearer to the bloody six O. I should go take my weight again just to be sure. heh. Even though I want to be slim, but I have totally no drive to exercise! SHIT. Okay lah. Here's what I'll do. I think I'll take up skipping again and put my trusty hula-hoop to good use. hahaha. I used to skip everyday when I was 8. Skipped all the way to underweight status. hahaha...NICE. So those who wanna lose weight. Skip everyday k? It works! Proven and tested by yours truly. wahahahah!

Alright! Now I'm feeling all better and the image of me becoming mini momsie is gradually fading. heh. OKAYS! I want to be a healthy girl who'll let people think that I have NO PROBLEMO passing my NAPFA test anytime! But I don't wanna take the test during Year 3. hahahha!



TOM: tee hee. you know me best tom! bu kui is BFF. wahaha...i reply your tag in your tagboard le. hahaha!

OuyangWudi: 是的盟主! 小女子领悟了!谢盟主教导!小女子感激不尽!*kneels*

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