Thursday, August 21, 2008


and jsj...but more on that later on! hahahaha...

I'm bloody craving for chocolate fondue right now. Right this very minute. Right this very second. SHIT. I can't stand it anymoreeeeee. Anyone know where can I buy cheap and nice chocolate to make chocolate fondue? I got the fondue set. No worries. hahaha...I want waffles, marshmellows, ice cream balls, strawberries and cookies to go with my fondue!!!

WHO can resist this!!!??? @@#$%&*#*&^%$@!!!!

Treat me to Haagen Daaz fondue please someone. But theirs is like such a rip off. I mean the price lah. The fondue is actually quite good. hahaha...

I currently have a mini snack bar in my room. TEEHEE. Shh! Not so loud! Don't let the others know! I'm running a little low on my chocs. My strawberry biscuits are finished. Gotta top up soon. hahaha...Got one other snack I don't remember the name. Haven't opened yet. Checked the expiry date. It's until 2009. So no problem with that. hahahha...Take my own sweet timeeee.

Sarah jane's being an idiot. URGH.

Anyways...Today is JSJ's birthday!!! 1 Year plus of friendship. It was really my fortune to know you. hahaha...Shall not say much here. Like my sms. Keep it short and sweet. You're SHORT and I'm SWEET!!! muahahaha. She's so gonna kill me for this. TEEHEE.

EH! SEE? I used all purple lei. All for you. Love me now! hahahaah!!! And hor, although women's age are a don't need to keep it that way lah hor. Be honest to yourself man...and the world! hahaha...

This cake is for youuuu!!! Your favourite BOR BOR!! Say hi to bor bor for me k? heeeeeeee....


msXIANG: you dun show off and action pack to me hor i tell chew. smack u uh. haaha...

OuyangWudi: too bad lah. play with your games then. heh.

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