Thursday, August 28, 2008

Slumber Partayeeee~

I attended my first ever slumber party last night!! Although everyone laughed when I told them I'm having a slumber partaye with four people. Including me. hahah...They were all like, "wahaha. siao ah!? four people how to partaye??? wahahah." At least that's what bra did. hahaha...

After tuition, headed over to Claire's place and porn was already there. Hate that girl loads. hahaha...Forever bully me one. Claire also! BOOHOO. Jumper was as excited to see me as usual. hahah...We talked cock for some time before bei came. It was like a potluck slumber partaye. So I brought mashed potatoes. Not completely mashed anyways. It was more like in chunks? heh. Fang brought hot chocolate packets. Speaking of which, two packets are sitting in my bag now. hahaha...Bei brought sushi and tidbits. Claire sponsor maggie mee and tidbits and of course her place. haha...

We didn't eat any maggie mee though. My potatoes were all cleared. Many thanks to me. hahaha! Hot chocolate we didn't drink. They kept on drinking water from my water bottle! Keep on refill and refill. Damn lame lah! Got carrot juice don't want to drink, drink water....from MY bottle some more vor. Asses. hahaha...

Ate tidbits as we chatted. Made Claire dig into her closet to give us clothes. hahah...EVERYONE went home with something. No one left empty handed. All were pretty happy I guess. hahaha...

Claire and I slept on her bed while porn and bei slept on the mattress. They chatted until damn late into the night. Or so I've heard. hahah...Claire and I slept first.

Then Claire left for work early in the morning. Porn, bei and I went for MacDonald's breakfast. I was like craving for it lah. Don't know why also. hahaha...Porn saw her friend there. Or rather, her friend saw her. She was so bloody blind lah. We're talking about her friend and she didn't even realise it's her friend until he called out to her. hahaha...STUPID. Brain full of nonsense only! PUI! hahahahah!!!

After breakfast, I don't know why everyone 心血来潮 said they can come my house to help me clean my room. hahha...So okay den. Off we go to my house. Made a stop at bei's house first.

Reached my house and they started throwing everything from my closet. hahah...Bunch of suckers yall. Anyways, my side of the closet is now neat and tidy all thanks to them. But I've got like damn a lot of clothes which I have no idea what to do with lah! OH WELLS. Fats' side of the closet still like KNS though. hahah...

After the closet, they tackled my table. Halfway done only till now. hahha..Fats and I continuing tomorrow. Hope we're successful luh. heh.

So the two Maria-for-a-few-hours lunched at my house. Momsie prepared quite a lot of food. Feel honoured okay. You think all maria can eat this kind of good stuffs? hahaha...Porn and bei became good friends with pepper.

Pepper was such a naughty girl today. Doing her business all around the house. Most of the time in bra's room somemore! *smack bottom* Naughty girl!!

Went to work earlier as they're short handed. hahaha...Surprisingly, I'm not feeling very lethargic now. Still have the energy to online. Not bad eh? muahahah...

Tonight is my dearie's turn to have a slumber partaye already. Hope she enjoys it. With the mozzies and all! muahahah~~~~

PS: Porn damn irritating today. Keep on G-O GO! slap her uh!!! Irritating piece of shit! PUI! hahahahah!!!


Js: why you gimme that face. hahha...

OuyangWudi: pay your head lah. haaha...Johnny is a common name. hahah...go change your name now. GOOOO! hahah...

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