Thursday, September 04, 2008

Nihon Mura...

Today noobsters went to Nihon Mura AKA 日本村。I have totally no idea how to go there cuz it was my first time. I've heard Lynden say before that 99 can reach. So I gei kiang go take 99 there. Ended up calling many people for help. hahah...Tee Lao Gao helped me loads. Thanks man! hahah...So sorry that you kept getting cut off. My phone died on me.

So I was walking around that area being so lost. Thus, I went to this flea market and asked the person there. Finally, reached that damned Jurong West Sports Complex. hahah...Luckily when I opened the door to Nihon Mura, I saw Lynden, Siew and Lionel. Heng no staff come ask me how many people. hahah...

So went to the table where the others sat and everyone started eating. Loads of crap going around while eating. Wah liao eh. BTH them sia. Even one simple innocent sausage can lead to so many things! OH MY. What's wrong with the people nowadays man!!? hahaha...

After eating, SJ and Eunice went off for their own commitments. Seven people are left, namely, Johnny, Kimtack, KX, Siew, Lionel, Lynden and meeeeeeeeee. They decided to go Arena to bowl although it was decided beforehand that bukit gombak is the place to go for bowling. Maybe it was cuz of the stupid heavy rain that dampened everyone's mood. So just go to the nearest place luh. hahaha...Lynden being the 大姐 and all, went home and brought extra umbrellas for us. AWWWW...SO NICEE! hahaha...

So we all walked to the bus stop to take bus to arena. Even with the umbrellas and all, everyone still got terribly drenched. I regretted wearing jeans man. The lower half was all WET. NICE. The bus 193 was it? It was so bloody long. All the buses was 179 lor! WTH? Still, we managed to wait for the correct bus and boarded it. Reached Areana and started to bowl. I didn't bowl though. Kimtack was NICEEE enough to lend me his size 9 bowling shoes and let me play for like 2 turns. hahaha...I strike once okay! So long neh play liao. True talent never lies lah hor. muahahaha!

After bowling, the guys went to play pool. Then to JP Subway for dinner. I didn't eat though. But thanks for the damn warm cookie Lionel and Kimtack! muahahah...First time eating freshly baked cookies know! The feeling is totally different. Felt so full after the little piece of cookie. OK. It ain't that SMALL. It's larger than the average cookie in the market. hahah...

After dinner, teck took 198 with me home. He's still as idiotic as ever. muahahah...Our target nowadays. No idea why man. hahaha!

Siew's sudden outburst of "why can't you guys respect us girls more!?" was damn farnie lah! hahaha...She's damn crazy that Hallie Chua. muahahah...Please stop all your sudden outbursts in the future to save my failing heart. hahaha...

Didn't take much photos during this outing. Most of them are VERY candid ones. haaha...Kept laughing when I saw them. heh.

Lionel's tattoo...SCRATCH THAT NAME!! hahaha...

see the "X" at player K? That strike was done by meee! The spare before that was also my PRO doing! hahaha...LOUSY KIMTACK.

The Target-SIMi Sai KIM TACK.

Told cha it was CANDID.

I'm NOT gonna tell you guys what's the point of this photo. So...GO FIGURE! hahaha...

Outing was fun with the many jokes, laughters and crappy shit. hahaha...Chalet up next!

PS: My cousin said I was pretty! TEEHEE. IMMA happy girllll!!! *huge huge grin until cheeks hurt*


OuyangWudi: 4 person partaye fun know. hahah...Go try it! You won't regret it. hee.

js: haha. ok. if you say soooo jsj...tee hee hee.

hanwei: most of my salary I use to pay my transport fees. plus my phone bills at times anddd my dog's stuffs. haah...become no money liao. I earn VERY little. hee. even if got, also will dont bear to part with the money. hahah!

shepardjane: huaiii~i think it rocks! cuz it's from the camp rock soundtrack which is showing on disney channel this sunday! HOORAY! and ZOUR'RE the PINK here! muahahah! Pink is the new pig. hahahah!!!

HUITING: you sponsor me i sure buy. hahaha! I didn't really eat much. that sucks. hahaha...

fanni: i where got bad mouth you! room's even messier than before! many thanks to you! hahah...haven't got the chance to clear it yet really. HEH. The G-O go is damn irritating i tell you! SMACK YOUR NNP!!!

estheRc: CAI! hahaha...i miss you toooooo...faster come my house play k. hahah...see ya soonnn! LOVES~

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