Friday, September 19, 2008

Sweet 18th...

*WARNING: Photo heavy post ahead.

From tuesday to thursday, we had our class chalet. The first night was spent on BBQ-ing, chatting till the wee hours in the morning. Couldn't remembered what time we all slept though. The guys room were quite cramped so some squeezed with us in the hut. hahaha...

Forfeit when playing King's Command. Luckily is Eunice sia. HENGG~

Happy faces BBQ-ing!

Chicken wings were good. hahaha...Didn't get to eat any satay though.

Don't you just find him simply "irresistible"???

With SIEW!! hahaha...

The next morning, played at the beach. As usual, I was all enthusiastic when I applied the sun tanning oil, but once out in the sun, I went to sit in the shade. hahaha! Lynden joined me too. heh. Many people got burnt/tanned. Either one. All I know is by the end of the day, almost everyone was red in the face. hahaha...

I prepared already and twisted. Everyone else still so slow. No choice. Have to wait by leaning on Lynden. hahaha...

K! All nice and pretty!

Lynden wishes everyone a very Happy new year pull your ear! But she don't really have to pull my ear de lor!

Da jie always bully me! Stop tiak-ing me lah!

HALLIE CHUA. hahhaa...

Eunice darling...Mango fanatic who loved smelling like SWEETS. hahaha...

凯子 alert! On second thoughts...maybe not uh.

Trying to spoil the spring of the mattress.

Don't know why so happy.

Met up with Claire and gang to surprise Pearlie Chng. My 大我一天的女人。 is 女人 liao k. Not just 人. Cuz we're 18 already and hence we're woman. hahaha! Surprised her by using light sticks to spell out happy 18 birthday. I was the main surprise. Cuz she have no idea I was at Sentosa too. haaha...damn farnie. They were all dressed to the nines and I felt bloody out in my OBS shirt and FBT shorts. DAMMIT. wahahaha...Chatted for awhile, go toilet, take plasters and they were on their way home. heh.

Neh neh. Dressed to the nines lor somebody. hahaha...I don't have photos of the surprise though. It's with Derek I think. heh. Hope Pearlie is surprised. hahahah!

After the surprise, headed back to the room. Everyone watched tv and basically did nothing until Lionel suggested playing Hide and Seek around the chalet. I was like no la, don't want. So dark already. hahah...He idiot. Just suddenly shouted, "Everyone out now! Last 2 are the seekers!" I sat on the bed and watched everyone moved at the speed of light putting on their shoes and rushing out of the room. Only lynden slowly put on her shoes. So I asked her, "wah liao. You want play ah? You bathed already know." She replied saying just go lor. haha...I said I don't want lei. Then she said BYE to me. haah...*taps shoulder* "eh, bye." muaahaha!

Once she was out of the room, I started to move very slowly and put on my shoes. Was getting ready to get out when Johnny popped his head in and said, "remember to lock the door ah." So I was like, okay, can don't go already. Stayed in and watched my TV. muahahah! After some time, everyone came back in again. Lionel kept on saying don't know who and who and what shit. Heck care, continue watch my TV. wahahaha! So the guys "stormed" back to their room. I continued watching my TV and stupid eunice kept on "blowing" me to bathe! SO IRRITATING! hahaha...

So I bathed. Then the girls said the guys were at the beach. So all of us went to join them. Hanwei said he have to go toilet. Such a lan ren shi niao duo person. Forever like that. So everyone just sat there, I stare you and you stare me. So Romantic. So stare somemore den suddenly...

"Happy birthday to you..."

"Happy birthday to you..."

hahaha...DAMMIT. I saw the darned cake in the fridge already! Very sorry to spoil your surprise. But really really appreciate all the efforts you guys made lah. And 你们随机应变得很好嘛!hahahaha...

I look very silly here.

Spray whipped cream on me somemore!

Cut cake with fork. Not an easy feat at all. hahaha...

Don't know why my postures turned out to be so CHIO.

Tried to bite the chocolate. But the cake kept on touching my chin.

My girlssssssssssssssss...wahahahah! The ones I slept with for so many nights. HEH.

The IRRITATING shits of my class.

The chocolate coated Tiramisu cake. Managed to finish know! Damn pro. Food not wasted. YAY.

Eat cake.

Sorry, eat cake no photos please.

SJ. Mr Likes-to-drive-car-and-will-go-to-any-trouble-just-to-drive-a-car.

My legs looks very long. muahahah!

Tried to take a group photo. Didn't really succeed though. heh.

2nd time was much better.

Some kind soul helped us to take the 3rd one. But smoke from his ciggarette was seen. Neh mind. Add effects to it.

Thanks so much for the lovely present!

We went home the next morning. Checked out at around 1030? Took bus to HarbourFront and ate breakfast. After breakfast, all went home.

Reached home and played with pepper. Slept awhile. Then off to meet teng and pearly. Went to Bugis to buy the scores. It was very lovely. hahaha...Slacked awhile at MacDonald's. The 3 of us shared a McNugget Meal. The Mac at Bugis was bloody SMELLY. Totally unbearable. Everyone who went in came out. We were one of them. We sat outside. When teng went to order, she asked the staff wassup with the smell. (Of course she neh say until so hip hop lah.) The staff said one of their pipes spoilt or broke or whatever. That's why got this really PUNGENT smell. But she assured us saying that the smell would be gone by tomorrow. Well it's okay, we're not coming back tomorrow anyways. heh.

After eating, walked around Bugis to shop. Then off to Raffles Place to meet the others. Once everyone reached, we set off towards Mind Cafe.

欢迎 欢迎 热烈欢迎!

The sign reads: "The Mind Cafe. It's your best move." And Yes. I have to agree it was quite a good move to go there. hahaha...

The inside of Mind Cafe. Seats were quite comfy. But it's a little too low for my liking. hahaha...

Born slacker!

With my BFF TOM.

YAI! (hi-5 language.) BFFS REUNITED! Love them loads!

When we were playing snorta. Damn farnie game. Everyone's expressions just crack each other up! hahaha...

This game is called Express it or something? Damn interesting. hahah...Got us all laughing away with the charades and all. The famous line used throughout the game- "Aiya, act lah act lah." wahahah!


My 2 birthday cakes! Chocolate and Strawberry! My 2 favourite flavors! hahah...

"aiyer. My birthday still need me put the candles on the cake myself." *sulk and sulk some more*

YAI! I'm 18~~

With my lovely bunch of friends~~

With fats and momsie. Bra was in cousin's house while pops was already asleep. heh.

Blowing off both candles.

Cutting 2 cakes at once. SHIOK. hahaha...

Lao gao with Pepper!

I enjoyed myself very much. A huge hug and loads of Kisses to HE TENG TENG!! The one who made the celebration possible. She contacted everyone and called Mind Cafe to make reservations. She even asked didi to help her check online for the menu of Mind Cafe and what kind of promotions they're having. SO SWEET RIGHT! This is like the 1st time she's so auto doing all these lah. Usually, she'll be the most bo chup one. Always replying things like, "ok lor. you people confirm liao den let me know lor." when people asked her if she's free to go out and all. WTH man. Don't want invite you already! hahha...

So...on account that you did so much. I'll forgive you for not remembering my birthday! hahaha...So ironic. Forget my birthday and can still help me plan so much. 你心里根本没有我!muahahah...

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