Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sakae Sushi

After class, we went to eat Sakae sushi. Siew and me ordered the set lunch. It was VERY filling. HAHA. I guess it's worth the money? We've got like complementary ice cream too. HEH. The waitress became Lionel's BFF in a few minutes. WAHAHAHA.

Alvin is see beh irritating! Keep on Claire here and there. SMACK YOU UH. Go get your own number and email lah. hahaha. IDIOT.

After Sakae, I went to "visit" Via as I haven't seen her for like the longest time? hahaha. Anyways, thank you very much to her lah. Although stupid post she blogged, but still, she helped me a great deal. HAHA. THANKS LOR! hee.

Andddd...Tomorrow's lesson starts at 9am. That means...

I gotta wake up at 7am. OH MAN!

Guess I should like turn in now huh.




Me: You got watch The perfect man or something before? The one that Hilary Duff acted in?


....Hell with you man. OH. Dig your ears too.


woo~: must be lynden. HAHA. School's modules boring know. hahaha...

lynn: why you post 2 times? Want to make me confused righttt. haha...what sell fish? hahah!

OuyangWudi: I looked like class rep? why? haha...and that pic very cute right? wahahaha.

msXIANG: don't jealous lah. haha...and got purple also. Don't so colour blind can.

via kia: yucks. lucky my header don't have solo you, although still got you lah. But im sure my beauty can cover everything ugly. so, no worries k? HAHA!

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