Sunday, November 30, 2008


Sometimes I just CANNOT understand the temperament of a guy. Why must they always be so competitive? Why can't they just admit to their mistakes and wrong doings? Must they always scream and shout at one another or resort to violence to solve it all? Does winning even mean anything to them if they didn't win it in a right way? Does that make them feel good?

I realise that guys always like to have the last say in things. No matter what is it. Be it making simple descisions, or an argument. They always like to end it off. Do they know that sometimes even whey they have the last say in an argument, they're not the one who is right. It's just that the other party have no wish to continue the silly fight. They can make such a huge mountain out of a teeny weeny mole hill. Don't get it. What do they expect to gain from this?

Well, if you ask me...In my HONEST opinion...NOTHING. They stand to gain nothing from this. Except irritating me. I HATE it when I hear screaming, shouting or stupid little arguments. Pisses me OFF really bad! I feel like punching everyone right in the face and scream back at them to SHUT THE HELL UP! CUZ YOU'RE IRRITATING ME TO THE MAX!!!


They always won't allow themselves to lose. And when they DO lose, they start throwing out punches. That's how fights usually start right? Casualities of these kind of fights are endless. Usually it's the guys who do this. Girls hardly have these kind of problems. We settle it really calmly. Although sometimes when words can't salvage much, we usually use our nails. HAHAH! But of course I don't do that luh!

Okay, I'm a little tired. Had quite a fun day today. HAHAH!



Japaneses-wannabe!: feel like smacking you sia CHUA CHIN HOW.

via kia: eh what. you sha dap lor. HAHAH. ya lah! damn lazy. don't know how she can be like that.

sarahjane: eh not farnie ah. HAHA. smack yourself please.

THE cousin: yeah! i feel it's a damn cool job! TEE HEE. hum is good! HAHAH!

OuyangWudi: don't lame lah johnny. and i update le hor! HAHAH.

helloz: CRQ. Noisy shit. At least I look much more fun den you lor! HAHAHA!

Bei: HAHA. think phone got a little prob. Starting to get old le. But I still LOVE it! HAHAH.

sarahjane: I like to be a rice bucket cannot ah! HAHAH.

fanni: HAHAH! didn't manage to meet tonight uh. NEH MIND. Sure got loads of other chances de lah! HAHAHA~

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