Saturday, November 22, 2008

Picture Meme~

I saw this on my cousin's blog some time ago and I found it to be very interesting. HAHA. So I kop-ed from her to do it.

Okay, less crap more pictures.


Answer the questions below, do a Google Image search with your answer, take a picture from the first page of results, and do it with minimal words of explanation.

1. The age you’ll be on your next birthday

2. A place you’d like to travel to

The Maldives. I've been dreaming of going there ever since I heard my music teacher went there for her honeymoon. HAHA.

3. Your favourite place

Totally LOVE locking myself up in my bedroom. If I have a room like this, I'll never leave it. EVER! The only thing is that my parents HATE locked rooms. EEE, SPOILERS.

4. Your favourite food

God bless "The Clay Marble" by Minfong Ho. Now I really understand what is 粒粒接辛苦。 HAHA!

5. Your favourite pet

This question is a damn easy one lah!

6. Your favourite colour combination


7. Your favourite piece of clothing

I typed "sun dress". It's the yellow one in the center of the picture if you don't know. I like dresses which look like a lot of fun! HEH.

8. Your favourite TV show

My dad hogs the TV most of the time. Other than him, it's fats. HAHA. But everyone knows I adore Disney Channel! ALMOST every show on disney channel are my favourites! hahaha.

9. First name of your significant other

I kept on laughing when I blogged about this. If you don't know, I'm actually VERY MUCH into narcissism. HAHAHHAHA!

10. The town in which you live

11. Your first job

I did a few odd jobs before becoming a receptionist. But don't think those counted as official. HAHA.

12. Your dream job

I tried looking for the damn glamourous side of this job, but couldn't find much. So this is it. =]

13. A bad habit you have

This image is titled as "I admire her laziness." So people! Please admire MY laziness too! WAHAHAHAH!

14. Your worst fear

I didn't know my cousin is a humji too. HAHA. I'm pretty sure that almost every one of my friend know that I'm like that. "I'm a humji and proud of it." I always tell everyone that. HAHAHAH!!

15. What you’d like to do before you die

Make a difference to at least one person's life. =]

PS: Stupid pops became drunk and puked in the toilet. Now poor momsie have to clean it all up. Now I will never date a guy who drinks a lot! BUAY TAHAN MAN!


OuyangWudi: HANAH. Neh copy lah. Like that also wanna gei gao with me. One measly word only lor! HAHAHAH.

TOM: You laughing at which part? I don't see anything funny eh. HAHA. You STUPID 10 second memory TOM!! HAHAHAHAH! My da gu ma house is like my house can! Just opposite only! idiot nnp! HAHAH. YOU PIECE OF SHIT!! HEEE~

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