Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dinner with the VERY-LONG-NO-SEE person

Make a guess. Who is it?? HAHHA.

It's my darling Pearly Lim!!!!!!

Okay, this photo doesn't do justice to her at all. Cuz she's bloody pretty! TEE HEE.

The one who suddenly have a new love and nobody in the world knows!! HEH.

Managed to dig out some info from her while dining at Swensens last night. Gave her her VERY belated present also. Her birthday's on 10 dec by the way. HAHA. Damn late yes I know. That was her own fault lor! So busy 24/7 and then flying off to Taiwan for the longest time. HEE.

Now that she's finally back, managed to have dinner with her last night at JP with teng and JY.

She went to cut her hair before meeting us for dinner. It's almost like a tradition already lor! Her cutting her hair then meeting us for dinner or some other programmes. It has happened like 3 times already! WTH? hahah.

The dinner was planned damn last minute. I was in my lecture when teng called me to inform about the dinner. Since I have nothing on after school, I agreed.

So we all met up at about 7pm in JP. Had fun chatting and catching up over dinner. I was like damn famished! I polished off my pasta and then helped JY and Pearly to finish theirs. JY's being fish and chips and Pearly's pasta. HAHAHA!

I totally can't wait for this sat's renuion dinner and CNY!!!! Come faster please.

April is also another month to look forward to. If you know what I mean. *mysterious smile*

Anyways...JY went off to meet her love while the 3 of us continued to walk around JP. It has become bloody huge and unfamiliar until I don't even remember I'm in JP anymore.

Met my pop in Starhub shop. Then we all went to Singtel to ask about the changing of plans. If all goes well, I should be changing plans soon. Then I can have my free unlimited sms! HOORAY!!

Been waiting all my life for this~ HEH.

Met up with momsie and fats. Pearly and teng went home first while we continued shopping round for fats' CNY clothes. Bought shorts and a top.

Reached home around 10 and I was VERY tired. Bathed and slept straight after.


Bye now everyone. =]

OH!!! Super good news!!! SARAH JANE TEOOOOOOO AKA THE NEH POK TRAITOR WHO LOVES GERMANY MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE has passed her driving test!! Many congragulations!!! DRIVE ME OUT SOON!!!!!!! So I guess I should start buying insurance soon. HAHA. =]

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