Sunday, February 22, 2009

最亲爱的 文音!

On friday after my last paper, I went dating with Bbs and her AH SONG. OOPS. hahaha...

We met up at 4.10pm at JE. Supposed to be 4pm. BUT...HEH HEH HEH. You know I know can already luh hor. HAHA...

Took train down to Bugis, checked out location, decided it was safe for dinner since there's like nobody. HAHA...

So off to MOS burger for dinner. Bbs and song ate, I watched. And stole Bbs lemon tea. She very lame.

Me: Why you don't want order MOS de milk tea? Nice lei.
Bbs: I don't like to drink tea.
Me: *stares at her*
Bbs: Oh ya. Lemon tea is also tea hor.

NO IT AIN'T TEA YOU SILLY GOOSE! hahaha...So stupid lah!

The silly goose. HEE.

After dinner, we proceeded back to the location. Saw that the stall wasn't set up yet. Bbs kept on pestering me to go CD shop buy, but I was quite sure they're selling the albums at the scene. So we waited and finally those slow pokes set up the stall. HAHA. Bought the 改版 album cuz it was the only one allowed for autograph. Bbs got two different versions of her album! RICH SHIT. So she can autograph on both. HAHAH!

We stood in front of the barrier with anticipation. Suddenly some one from the fan club tapped my shoulder. I thought they are like asking me if I would like to join the fan club. So I prepared my ready-to-reject face and then I saw who the person was. IT WAS MY COUSIN. HAHAH!! Can't believe she is such a huge fan lah! She actually is part of the fan club! I always thought she don't do fan clubs cuz she is such a studious person! Her studies are excellent in case you're curious. Nanyang Girls, den PJC den don't know which Uni. HHAHA. Her whole family are like damn clever one. NO FAIR. We got the same surname know. HAHA. But shan't complain.

After a while, we were allowed in to queue for autograph. Bbs and I were actually only at the second row! Which was very good cuz we got first class view of the stage. Well, first class for me at least. Cuz the girls in front were not very tall. HAHA. Poor Bbs. But she still can see lah. Bbs is not as short as you think. Although her pinky is VEH small and short. MUAHAHA.

Liyi came on stage to prep us. And Bbs and I were just damn sian standing there waiting. Can't believe how some people can do this at every single autograph session. At 7plus, our long awaited VIP arrived!!! Bbs and me kept craning our neck to see her.


文音!!!!!!!!!! *shrieks*

She sang 3 songs in total. Don't wish to go into the details though. heh. The highlight was the autograph session.The other highlight was when my cousin got to get up on stage to interact with 文音. There were 2 rounds in total. My cousin got through the first round along with 2 other female contestants. They each have to do a task in the second round. The 3 different tasks were namely, singing one of 文音's song, naming the titles of her album with the word 爱 in it and lastly, posing 3 different poses 文音 did in her album booklet. My cousin got the singing task. I couldn't believe her luck! Her singing has always been widely recognised in the family. It's like their whole family were born singers lah. DAMN BUGGER I KNOW. Excellent studies AND good singers. SUCK.

The song given to her was not an easy one. Some people went OMG when they heard the title of the song she is needed to sing. HAHAH. But I know very well that she can do it. And she did. People were whopping for her when she finished. HAHA. I'm proud. Needless to say, she won. 文音 said she sang very well. My cousin won herself a watch which is worth 300 plus dollars!!! It's supposed to be a chio white coloured one. I didn't see it clearly though. 文音 said she has one too and that is the most important thing in winning that watch. hahha. Couple watch.

Congrats to my cousin! hahah. She is always winning this kind of things. URGH. Please pass some of your luck to me lei. haha...!

That's my cousin in pink after getting through the first round. The prize is a autographed poster. CHIO! hahah...

文音 standing beside her reading out her task. Imagine various gasps and "OMG"s from the crowd. HAHAAH!

I recorded videos of her singing and winning...but...I don't think she would like me to post it. HAHA. So I shall just show the videos to my family members who actually know her. HAHAHA.


Neh mind...I show you. HAHHA!

THERE! At the top! DEAR JOJO. She was damn cute when pronouncing my name. HAHAHA!

Bbs and 文音!

文音与我!!!!!!!! I was damn high after taking this photo that I kinda talked very loudly into the phone with kimtack. HAHAH! He was like, "got so high mah???" hahaa! YES! VEH HIGH!!!

PS: Notice how 文音 kept holding on to my arm when taking the photo? Bbs told me she neh hold her arm. So I was like 暗爽了一下。 HAHA! And Bbs was like a 背后灵 in my photo with 文音 lah! People not taking your photo you go and smile for what!!! HAHAH. She kept on laughing when I told her that. CROP YOU AWAY UH. HAHAH!

最亲爱的 文音,




我本来还想跟你多聊几句,但是我不是你想象那么勇敢。 哈哈。


我最喜欢你的炫外之音, 因为它让人好开心哦。


我知道你很想念我们, 想到差点哭。

Dry your eyes, 因为我相信您的第二张专辑很快就会出炉了!

到时候, 我们又能见面了!我们, 你是不可以不爱了!

非常期待! 加油哦!

Above paragraph is damn CORNY I know, but I was just trying to use up all the song titles in her album. AND I DID IT!! MUAHAHAHAH~~~Although some lines were like not very good lah. MUAHAHAH~ The words in bold are songs from her album. Please go get yourself a copy of it. IT IS SURELY VALUE FOR MONEY AND TOTALLY WORTH IT! hahaha...

Or you can just ignore everything I've said up till this point. =]

Okay, finally I'm done with the blogging. So I shall go now.

Malaysia trip will be updated soon!



NICE: hahah...yes. No finish no sleep man! MUAHAHAH~

Teckies: Not pa. and please ask your car to stop dying in the middle of the road! HAHAHA~

sarahjane: You dont lame lah! HAHAH! And when supper with car!!! HUENNNNNN!!!!!

mrSAM: LOVE IT. Or else....HAHAH! Creative rocks please.

yiing: BOO yourself! hahha...

Bei: is you tell de lor. HAHA. HATE CHEW. HEE. But it's okayy...since I already got the phone. TEE HEE!!!

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