Sunday, March 01, 2009

Xiang is gone!

Don't let the title fool you. HAHA. She's still very much alive and kicking. Just not in singapore though. HAHA. She's in China, Wuhan now. For like 5 months plus? VOW. Xiang is gonna become so independent when she comes back. Or not. Cuz I was msn-ing her last night. I saw her through webcam and she looked like she was dying. SERIOUSLY. haha. She told me she's gonna get sick soon already. ONCE AGAIN. She displays her fortune telling skills. PREDICTION.

HAHAHAH! Inside joke sorry.

So yeah...before she flew off, we had a farewell dinner with her at Sakura. Poor xiang was like PREDICTING she's gonna get sick a few days before the dinner and she really did. HAHA. She couldn't eat most of the food in Sakura. Stupid woman. Curse herself. HAHA.

Anyways...she seems to be enjoying herself in Wuhan. Hope you like the presents we gave you! Look at it everyday k? You have to anyways. It's for that purpose. MUAHAHHA~

Post photos. Very lazy to type anything. HAHA.

after dinner outside Sakura. ONE BIG GROUP. haha.

Off to West Coast Park for post dinner partaye!

Always camera ready we all! HEH.

Solo shot with Xiang. Known her since I was around 11? Although throughout the 6 years in primary school, we were NEVER in the same class. HAHA. I only know her through this chinese composition class I signed up in primary 5. And her chinese is tok gong one. Hence, her course now. HAHA!

My crazy gerrrrrr. SHE WANTS A HELLO KITTY WEDDING. Hopeless case, much hopeless then me please. HAHA!

Sam ALWAYS refuses to admit to the fact that I AM taller than him. He always wants to take a photo to prove he's TOTALLY WRONG. We have already taken countless of photos over the years and still...he choses to be delusional. OH WELL. *shrugs*


The girls with Xiang. Seems like Lao gao is the lead here since she's sitting in the middle. HAHA.

Sarah feels very left out here. HAHA. Oopsie.

VIAH kia is damn stealing the limelight lah! ER XIN KIA!

The OCS family. OCS = Official Crap School. HAHAH! So crappy. I KNOW.

This is termed, "The Standard Smelly Pose". HAHAH! Just for you xiang~

When the day came for Xiang to really FLY off to china...

We treated her like a Queen. By going all the way to her house's lift just to await her royal arrival.


People in Sam's Car: VIAH and me.

Upon reaching the airport:

Power or not. Just going to Wuhan for 5 months and you have 11 people and 4 cars sending you off know! Maybe just 10 people. HAHAH!

We gave her the presents we prepared once we reached the terminal.

The 姐妹淘.

Guys wanting their 1 minute of fame too. URGH. *roll eyes*

Bye bye xiangggg...HAHA.

Us with Shi Jiao who is also going to Wuhan and is bunking with Xiang. Please take good care of Xiang since you know what a weakling she is. HAHAH!

After Xiang checked in, we bade her goodbye and went to East Coast park for Mac breakfast. It was a very nice experience, cuz it was the first time everyone had breakfast together early in the morning...ON A WEEKDAY. Hahah.

Breakfast ended and I was supposed to go for my piano lesson. Halfway, teacher called to said she was sick, so lesson cancelled. Off we went to West Coast. HAHA.

Georgie said go le east coast then must also go west coast. Or something like that. The way he said it was very funny. HAHAHA!

Bowling at Mount Faber SAFRA? Everyone played. HAHA. Lots of laughter over our clown shoes and the way I rolled my socks in the past. WTH LAH. But I did a Michael Jackson on that day though. hahah.

Lunched at 496 with Sam and went home to sleep.

Dinner with the rest at night.

Ate till full. HAHA. Wasted the chicken wings. AIYAH.

Post dinner event - Henderson Wave

So cool. All blurred and different colours. Love the colours contrast with the green, pink and orange. HAHA!

Sam always takes funny angled shots lah!

All CHOPPING away!

Ah VIAH kanna blocked. HAHAH!

Wonder what po is doing. HAH.

Wonder what I'm doing.

CHIO PINK PHONE!!! hahah...

On a sidenote....

PEPPER's CERTIFICATE! See the 1st ribbon there? HAAH! (Psst! We drew on the 1st ourselves! WAHAHAH!)

Her score sheet! A grand total of 189 marks over 200! VOW FOR PEPPER! Didn't think she had it in her. HAHA. *grabs pepper and kisses her*


Xiang: HHA. Ya, your lecturer. Enjoy in wuhan lah! haha.

Xping: YEAH! I was still high over the photo with her. WAHAHAH!

sarahjane: WHEN OUT WITH VROOM? hahah! u sha dap about my surname ah. haha.

OuyangWudi: yes, I LIKE HER. hahah! eh, why say me only? So many people neh join also mah. NOT FAIR. *sulks*

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