Thursday, April 23, 2009

Missing Pepper Day 2, 3 and 4...

This has been my forth day in Suzhou. And I didn't really tell much about what's going on here. I have only web cam-ed with my family and pepper once on tuesday. So I bet they wanna know more about my life here. HAHA.

I just got my china prepaid card yesterday. It didn't activate overseas calling for me. So I have to wait till today before I can call home. I called home when I was having break. Momsie picked up the phone. TEE HEE. Chatted awhile before naughty fatsie screamed into my ear.

"Shut up fatsie."
"Pepper's cute unlike you~~~~"


I asked her to call pepper to the phone. She put the phone near pepper and let me hear her panting. Can't hear much though. HAHA. PEPPER SOOO CUTE.

"Pepper go find kor kor liao, don't wanna care you no more."


Ended the phone call with reminders from mama to take my vitamin C pills. HEH.

For dinner tonight, everyone decided to settle for good old cup noodles. Feel more like home. HAHA. We are all very sick of the too oily and salty food here. But the dinner turned out to be more horrible than the oily and salty food lah!

Initially we were all very excited about the cup noodles dinner. But then, the water was not hot enough! Because the temperature on the water dispenser was NOT ON!! OMGGGG...almost everyone got "COLD" noodles except me and nicey. Cuz we were the last 2. HAHA. So henggggg...

BUT THENNNN...................

The next room we went to, the water was HOT. Nicey went first. So she got her steaming cup of noodles nicely cooked. The next few people after her was SUAY. Seems like nicey used up the hot water already and you have to wait for awhile before the water will turn hot again or something. So the people who got "COLD" noodles before got "WARM" noodles now. HAHAHAH! Once again...I was HENGGG. I was the only one with my cup noodles still dry. heh.

The next room I went to assured HOT water. BUT THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was one of the last one to use it. SO I GOT NORMAL LUKEWARM WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My seasoning came out in chunks and my noodles were like marmee lah!!! I totally didn't feel like eating already. After waiting for awhile, I went to get more water from the dispenser. Lucky this time it's hot. So my noodles were more or less cooked. But the seasoning damn gross still. So I totally didn't touch the soup. I just finished the noodles and threw the whole cup away full of soup. NOT A VERY HAPPY DINNER.

Apparently everyone thought so too. So off they went to find more food downstairs. I was alone in my room finishing my noodles at the time. Lucky nicey bought bandito for me. 5RMB and it tasted HEAVENLY. HAHAH...

While I was eating alone in my room, I tried to call home and tell them how pathetic our dinner became. HAHA. But no one picked up. I sms-ed my bra.

Turns out they were all out having dinner.

Today is Lijun's 21st birthday!! HAPPY HAPPY 21ST LIJUN!!! TEE HEE. Hope you LOVE the bag!!

HAPPY HAPPY 22ND TO DUMB DUMB TOO!!!! HAHAHA...Hope you enjoyed your day and I'll see you soon!! TEE HEE.

Bra brought Lijun to PS cafe and he HAO LIAN-ED to me that the ambience is damn romantic and nice. WOO KINKY! HAHAH!! He also said the rest of the family having western food at another place. So they were all having good food while I was stuck with my cup of not very cooked noodles. SO POOR THINGGG. *wails* hahah...But I'm not complaining though. HEE.


Lionel and KT came to send us offff....SO SWEET UHHHH. They took a day off attachment. Actually I'm sure the main reason is cuz they wanna check out the new tampines mall. HAHAH! K lah, shall not doubt them.

Group photo in front of the departure gate. =] 40+ of us. HAHA.

Our lunch on the plane. LOOK SARAH JANE! It's the pi ne ap ple tart!! The one in the yellow pacakaging! HAHAH...

蛋饼。 Loosely translated as egg biscuit. HAHA. Our first breakfast in suzhou from the canteen. OILY but not bad. Cost only 1.50RMB. Heh.

Our first lunch set from the canteen. This is nicey's set. Mine is the same as hers except I don't have the "red" chicken meat and the bowl of soup. haha...OILY AND SALTY. Didn't really enjoyed it.

Our first lunch in suzhou. Went to a Tea restaurant. Kinda posh. The food there is nice. But the amount of oil in the first photo is actually enough to scare you to death right. HAHA. But it was good and cheap. That's all that matters. To me anyways. HAHAH!

Went to have KFC for dinner on the 2nd day. I ordered the zinger meal. The default side was corn salad instead of fries. So I have the corn salad. Quite refreshing I must say. A healthy side dish. The chicken tasted nicer than singapore's. I have no idea why. Price wise...about the same. =]

Dinner on the third day. 炒肉面。 Totally don't see any 炒肉. HAHAH! But the noodles were pretty delicious. Tasty. Tasty until I finished Siew's one for her too. OOPS. HAHAH...

Betcha all wanna see how my "home" looked like right? HAHA. I lament the fact that my bed sheets are not as chio as xiang. HEH. And our bed is SUPER DUPER MESSY. TEE HEE. When I webcam-ed with anyone, they would request a tour of the room. Whenever the cam lands on the bed, I would be sure to hear, "Wah liao eh! HOW COME SO MESSY!!!?" hahah...yea yea. It's MY bed k? I'll decide how it looks like. And for once, nicey and me don't have to make our beds every morning! And no parents breathing down our necks. HEEEEEE...

Nicey and me stay in room 408. 4th level, 8th room.

You enter and see this. The main culprit for our horrible dinner experience tonight. HAHAH!

The toilet. The landlord said that the toilet bowl cannot flush any toilet paper or it will choke easily. We still flush it down the toilet bowl and I hope it doesn't give us any problems soon. *fingers crossed*

The first place we head to when we wake up in the morning. haha...

Our wardrobe.

I'm sure it's pretty obvious which is mine and which is nicey's. She brought like ten shirts! I only have like 6 or 7? Including my long sleeved ones. HAHAH...

The lead of the whole room. HAHAH! The one which got everyone screaming, "wah liao eh. HOW COME SO MESSY!?" hahaha!! Nicey and I pushed the 2 single beds together forming one whole king sized liked bed. We find it a little TOO spacious though. heh. But we're not complaning. HAHA.

Our TV which we use it to mainly watch "My Girl". hahaha...

Our work desk cum dressing table where you find us chatting and webcam-ing with friends and families. =]

Our dressing table section. DAMN ALL OVER THE PLACE I KNOW. It was SOOO neat on the first day when we placed all our lotions, moisturisers and toners on the table. Now it's all messed up cuz we're usually in a rush in the morning. OOPS. hahaha...

My roomie and I! =]=]=]

Excursion tomorrow! Good night peeps! =]=]=]

PS: VIA KIA TAN. YOU TALK TOOOOO MUCH. *smiles sweetly at you*

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