Saturday, April 25, 2009

Missing Pepper Day 5 and 6...

Wonder how come I named my title missing pepper? Cuz almost everyone around me is naming it suzhou day 1 day 2 and all. So I thought I shall be more creative and name it missing pepper. AND I AM REALLY MISSING MY PEPPER UNTIL SIAO OKAY! Whenever I see a dog on the street I will immediately think of pepper. SO CUTEEEEE. BOOHOO...

Anyways, called linnie just now since she's the sweetest of all to miss me on the first day on her way to school. HAHAH. Chatted awhile and hung up. Then I decided to send lovely emails to my jie meis. SO JIE MEI MEN...PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR EMAIL HOR! HAHAHAH!!! Xiang already did and she's so bloody TOUCHED by it. TEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEEEEE~~~~

Soooo...updates for day 5 and 6. Requested by linnie tommy ong to blog everyday. THAT MA FAN GIRL. Forever the one and only to "blow" me. And now the problem is I cannot just shoo her off saying I'll update through twitter, cuz obviously I'm unable to do that! So I have zero choice but to update den. HEE.

OH! If you guys want my china's here. 15995494361. You can still sms to my singapore number though cuz I can recieve it. Don't worry, it's free if you send to my Singapore number. The only downside is that I will take a longer time to reply you cuz I only brought one phone with me and I'm using the china card most of the time. So if you have something urgent you gotta lemme know, sms the china number.

OH COME ON NOW. Stop groaning and grumbling about it not being free. What's a few cents to you? Our friendship is much too priceless for that few cents to get to you right? RIGHT???? HAHAH...So come come...sms the china number k? HAHAH!

Okay okay, updates. Yesterday, we went on a tour around Suzhou. 3 places. I think the first place was the Humble Administator's Garden, the Museum and then to Tiger Hill. The museum was the most boring one of all. Like...we totally have no interest in the things that were on display. OOPS. we just kept on snapping away. Took too many photo yesterday man. HAHAH...

I am VERY lazy to load the photos up. Some photos you can see it from facebook. Our very hardworking eileen uploads photos taken from her SLR everyday if I'm not wrong. HAHAH!!!

Okay lah, some photos. HAHA.


Damn dampening cuz it's raining. Kept carrying an umbrella around.


The slanted pagoda...

MY DINNER! 9RMB for everything lor!! hahaha...

The snacks we got from ONE SINGLE trip to the super market. HAHAHA!

As for today, we went to Shanghai~ What everyone has been waiting for. HAHA. SHOPPING GALORE~~~

As the whole group is travelling there together, we booked a coach that brought us to and fro. It costs us 50 RMB. Once we reached there, we split into 3 big groups. Mainly, the SITs, the SEGs and the mixed group of SITs and SEGs. HAHAH...

Eileen's friend from Shanghai came to meet us. They know each other through the Rainie Fan Club I think. She's called Ni Zi. She's very sweet as to bring us around the places where there are more shopping. But sadly though, we didn't get anything. Except for some daily necessities from Wastsons. China's Watsons is the same price as Singapore's one lor. For some products, it's steeper. SIAN. No chance in getting my Wave liao. They didn't have it there. *BIG SIGH* heh.

We then went for lunch at this place which sells Italian food like pasta and pizzas and ETC. It's called Saizeriya. Surprisingly, the pricing was really kinda unexpected. In a good way though. HAHA. We all ordered one main course plus a dessert. My main course was Grilled Chicken with cheese and tomato and tiramisu for dessert. The tiramisu was SOOO GOOD. HAHAH...My main course was not bad too. We all had a lovely lunch. We also ordered 3 pizzas to share among 14 people. Ni Zi was nice enough to treat us the pizzas. HEE. XIE XIE NI ZI. She was so embarassed when we said that out loud in the restaurant. hahah...

After lunch, we proceeded to shop. We split into 2 groups. Our group's main motive was to find ZARA. Unfortunately, we failed. And the rest were so sore about not going in ZARA that they kept on insisiting that they want to go to ZARA. But there wasn't really enough time. OOPSIE. Sorry kids. HAHAH!

Met up with the other group and we all took cab to Cheng Huang Miao Shopping Mall. This is sort of a shopping paradise in Shanghai. It's a very interesting place cuz all the buildings look temple-like. I didn't get anything there although I saw one shop which sells ALOT of hello kitty. But oh wells. HAHAH...

Walked around some more and we all went to Cha Chan Ting to eat xiao long baos and some dim sum. It was good. Seems like all we do here is eat. We spend on food more than anything else. FATS MAN. HAHA...I so don't wanna look like fatsie. WAHAHAH!

When it was about time to meet with everyone and go back to Suzhou, we took a bus back to the meeting place. 2RMB for the bus ride. Everyone got seats, which was great. Alighted and we took photos until the bus arrived.


On a quest for ZARA. HAHAH!

Main course. YUMMYYYY~ 15RMB.

The lovely tiramisu. 10RMB. =)

Nicey and me on the bus ride which costs 2RMB.

Waiting for our coach...

AND NOW IM BACK IN THE HOSTEL. Just ate banana. Trying to be as healthy as possible here. I shall now try to eat at least one serving of fruit everyday. TRY AH. hahah...

Lab resumes tomorrow. Good news is it will end early. Heh.


Bei: HAHA. I hope it will pass like ZOOM! super fast! =]

sarahjane: reply to you is only 4 words. /kinky your life away. WAHAHAH!

msxiang: YEAH! I got that flavour. Shall try it soon! =]

Lionel: guys suck. yeah, feeling better. =]

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