Sunday, June 14, 2009

Potluck Partaye~

We had a potluck party last night at via's condo. She booked a function room which has this huge ass LCD tv. Everyone was so attracted by it that we just kept on watching. Beats the whole purpose of having a potluck right? Want watch tv cannot go home watch ah? HAHAH.

Anyways, we started eating soon after. The food was not bad. HAHA. I liked the hot dogs with the chilli crab sauce or something. HEH. I sat with Linnie and Ni. Ah Ni was eating with her hands all the damn time! I see already very bth. Called her Fatimah since she claimed she converted to Muslim so must eat with her hands at all times. She said Fatimah is not a very "auspicious" name. HAHA. So bucky changed it to Aishah. HAHA. WTH.

We ate, crapped and laughed while eating and watching Cradle 2 The Grave or something. The one with Jet Li inside? HEH. Didn't pay much attention to it. While happily watching and eating and chatting, suddenly, the lights went off! We were all kinda shocked. So Lin Sing said okay, you all know what to do not? We all said no. So he started to sing, "Happy Birthday to youuuu~..." and we all followed suit. HAHAH.

It was Jesper's 22nd birthday!!! He was damn shocked and kinda touched at the surprise. hahah. Happy birthday to you KNS barbie! =))))

But the surprise wasn't a surprise at all! The lights went off cuz there was a power failure, causing the whole function room's electricity to be cut off. So...LIN SING WAS JUST FAKING IT THE WHOLE WAY! HAHAHA. No wonder everyone looked so confused lah, cuz we didn't hear anything about the "plan"! CRAP. HAHA.

The room blacked out a couple of times. Each time it blacked out, some one would start singing the birthday song to Jesper. HAHA. He bth. But got one time when it blacked out, a birthday cake appeared! The cake was baked by our dear buck. She's like the official baker already lor. My 17th birthday she also baked cakes. Two some more. HAHA. Jesper was shocked that buck baked the cake herself. But I cannot stop laughing when Jesper asked if it was meatballs on the cake. WAHAHAH. OH COME ON! Meatballs on a chocolate cake!!? THOSE WERE FERRERO ROCHER CHOCOLATES LAH!!! WTH MAN. MEATBALLS!! HAHAH!

Then we started playing games which sam bought. Linnie, Ni, Buck, Shawn, Via and Jew Yen played Taboo. It was damn funny with Shawn always getting those money words. HAHA. When it was his turn, he would go, "Orh, I know your secret, you better give me money. If not I tell your secret to everyone!" The word is BLACKMAIL. HAHAH. Another turn, "If you don't give me money, I would do something to you!" Or something like that. The word is KIDNAP. HAHAH. The last one, "Five dollars! Ten dollars!" The word is AUCTION. HAHAH! THAT LOAN SHARK. MUAHAHA.

We played for some time without following the rules. HAHA. Took a break and changed players. Buck, Shawn and Jew Yen left. Sam and Lao gao joined in. This time we tried to follow the rules. We split into two teams and compete against each other. Sam, Ni and Via in one team, Linnie, Lao gao and I the other team. Sam and Linnie was the appointed clue-giver for each team. There is a buzzer which is used to buzz the clue-giver when he/she said the Taboo words. Linnie kept buzzing it at Sam even though he didn't say the Taboo words. HAAH!

Anyways, after playing the game, we conclude that Sam is a lousy clue-giver. HAHA. Our team won with Linnie being a pro clue-giver. HAHA. We kept poking fun at Sam. LAUGHED NON STOP. MUAHAHAH.

We ended the party at 11pm cuz the guard chased us out of the function room. OH WELLS. haha...

It was fun! I don't mind doing it again though. HAHAHA.

Monday blues when I wake up later. SIAN.


PS: Chatted with KT in the afternoon and we crapped alot. HAHA. HAVING FUN LEH SOME ONE. HAHAH.

Sorry, food and drinks more important than taking photos. HAHA.



Lao gao. She wore couple tee with LS last night sia. WHAT A RARE SIGHT. hahah.


When playing Taboo. HEH.


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