Friday, June 05, 2009


OKAYYY. Haven't been updating in a LOONG time. Constant naggings from pepople like ang shu ning and siewwww. HAHA.

Nothing much going on what, so nothing to updateee!

Okay, first up! Met up with the girls last thursday for dinner. At Shaw House's Tonkichi! We were all thinking about where to go when mel just gave us one whole chunk of links to check out. SIAO. She is bloody free seriously. No wonder always pack store room and take stocks! HAHAH!

Had fun gossiping and laughing over good food and took many dumbbbb photos. Very lazy to load them into blogger so just go FaceBook okay? HAHAH.

On sunday, I ate 2 buffets in a row!! OMGGG. SERIOUSLY IS FULL ONE. Sakura for brunch and Furuma Hotel for dinner. It was popo's birthday celebration at Furuma Hotel. Was it FuRUma or FuRAma?? I cannot remember. But the latter was kinda disappointing. Sakura was much better. Popo agreed. She went for both too. HHAHA! She ADORE buffets I tell you. =))))

Met up with Ang Shu Ning on tuesday. That chao ah gua suddenly wanted to eat Indonesia Cusine. Siew and Nicey couldn't make it. So it was just the 2 of us. Off we went to Lucky Plaza. I don't remember EVER stepping into that place before lor.

Saw Weisiong and Maggie. Think they also meeting up with the rest for dinner. What a coincidence lah. HAHA.

Ate and shopped around Lucky Plaza and Far East Plaza. Bought stuff here and there. Nothing much. Got the urge to shop sia. SIEWW! BAD INFLUENCE YOU! hahah...

We celebrated popo's birthday on wednesday. Her ACTUAL birthday. How old is she already??? 84 I think. I kinda lost track after her 81st birthday. OOPS. HAHA. I still love her okayyyy~

Today is FRIDAY! TGIF!!!! And just like this, 2 weeks of my attachment is coming to an end. 10 more weeks to go!

Seriously can't wait for holidays to come lahhhh! We've all been anticipating it ever since we started our FYPJ in MARCH!


okayyyy...feeling sleepy after lunch already. KNS. Forever like this. haha...

BYE DEN YOU ALL. Shall post photos up when I have time. HAHA.


Bei: YES. Attachment now. HAHAH.

sarahjane: HAHA. I cannot go whattt. Neh mind lah. Take photos another time. Just without ur ugly robe which makes you look like a midget. HAHAH! OKAY IM JUST JOKING CAN.

ruifang: LEAH OHHHHH!!!! HAHAH. HOW ARE YOUUUUU!!! =)))))

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