Friday, August 21, 2009


Now that I am having my holidays, I should be able to commit more time to practising. But I am not doing that. Lectured again by teacher. SIANN.

She asked me to go and find out the problem on why I'm not motivated and not practising. Is it because of plain laziness or is it because of my piano?

I think it's because of both. I guess the laziness part can be curbed. But the piano problem...SIGHH.

Seriously I don't know how can some people practice AT LEAST two hours EVERY SINGLE DAY. It's just shocking, the amount of dedication they put in. They must LOVE it more than their life. HAHA.

Not to say that I don't enjoy playing. I DO. I really do. The only thing that I don't like is sight-reading. Cuz I suck at sight-reading, I am unable to learn songs fast. And the reason I suck at sight-reading? It's cuz I don't practice enough. URGH. All boils down to the same thing.

I just don't feel much motivation to practice. Sure, thinking about the money spent and parents' incessant naggings are a push factor. But STILL, I don't practice enough!

Can anyone teach me how to improve my sight-reading in a FUN way? HAHAH! And also tell me how you motivate yourself to do something.

PS: All the best tomorrow BBs! To me too! =)

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