Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sweet 19th Part 2! =)

I met up with the girls in the afternoon. Off we head to Jurong Safra to relive our childhood times! MUAHAHAH. The initial plan was to go ice skating, but we decided to save it for another day.

I bet you're wondering what can we do at Jurong Safra to relive our childhood times right. HAAH. We went to play at the Kids Amaze playground or something. You know those kind of big indoor playgrounds with obstacles for you to climb up and down, in and out? Also comes with huge slides plus a space filled with many colourful balls for you to jump into and wade about?

That's exactly where we went! A place filled with FUN!!! ...and kids. HAHAHHA!

Seriously bth the kids and their BOUNDLESS energy. They can keep climbing up and down, in and out non-stop one lor. And they will tell us, "Can you guys please just faster go up!?" in an exasperated tone when we're sorta blocking their way. HAHAH. Kids nowadays. TSK. DISASTER~ *shakes head*

Linnie's and mine. Twins! =)

Anyways, we all had fun although it's a LEEEETLE tiring. JUST A LEETLE okay. We're not THAT old. HEH.

The slides were awesome! All of us didn't expect the speed. So we all kinda made sounds while sliding down, scaring teng in return. Thus, teng didn't dare to go down the slide AT ALL. She said, "Okay, I wait outside for you all." HAHAH. COWARD TO THE MAXI CAB. Kids' slides also don't dare to go down. Seriously disaster. hahah.

Halfway through, po found out she lost her phone. So we all started to climb up and down, in and out all over again. HAHA. Finally found it when one kind uncle returned it to us. HEH. Thanks man! =)

Ended our childhood and went back to being a mature adult. HAHAH. Headed off to LS's house to see Bubble! Haven't got a chance to see her yet.

The stamp we all got on our arms.

The SEE BEH CHIO abrasion I got on my elbow while sliding down. HAHAH. CHIOOOO TO THE MAXI CABBB.

Before going to his house, we made a stop at JP. Some went to buy the cake and some went to The Icing Room to buy the custard cookie puff. The one I was gushing on about the other day? HAHA. Ah po made a really good recommendation. Now I feel like having one whenever I'm in JP. MUAHAHA.

So we each had one except Teng who says she is on a quest to lose weight. BLOODY NONSENSE. Before meeting us she was still chomping her way through a MOS burger lor. LOSE WEIGHT PI. HAHAH. She's gonna say, "WEIIII. Mei li mao!" if she sees this. HEH.

6 delicious custard cookie puffs in that sacred plastic bag!!

Upon reaching LS's house, Bubble came to say hi. OH MY, she's so friendly unlike the one at my house. HAHA. She kissed me on the lips even though it's our first meeting. Guess she understood that first impression is the most important huh. HAHA.

Slacked for awhile before we all headed out for dinner. Met up with Sam at Clementi and he drove us all to Le le pot. Located at Tiong Bahru I think? Pearly and her bf came to join us soon after. I'm so surprised and happy to see her!! HEH.

Then we all digged in. My table has the chicken herbal soup and the laksa soup. I think I'm the one who kept finishing the laksa soup man. I totally didn't touch the chicken herbal soup at all. WAHAHA. But the laksa one was really good! We all ate till freaking full. The food was good, the root beer float was good, service was good. Everything was good. I like it. HAHA. Shall go there again next time. =) AND OH!!! The best of all was the MAN TOUS!!!! FREAKING NICEEE!!! Buck and I are HUGE fans of it. Kept ordering it. HAHAH. Now I'm craving for it already man. Suck.

Post dinner plans was to go Sentosa beach to cut the cake. HAHA. We all tried to cheat our way in and it worked! YAY. Thanks to us for being really good "GOODS". *2 thumbs up with a goofy expression* WAHAHHA! Bth that Fok Lin Sing. Made us laugh all the way from Lele pot to sentosa in the van. HAHA.

Reached Sentosa and the guys "borrowed" a table from the pavillion. So we cut cake and took photos there. Cake cutting ceremony over, we then "borrowed" chairs and sat on them. WAHAHA. Xiang came to join us afterwards. She came down from Changi. Aww...So sweet of her. =)

Had lots of fun at the pavillion. On a magic school bus which is bloody manual. As in literally we have to move the chairs by ourselves. HAHA. After awhile, we decided to leave. Skipping through the path back to the carpark was simply hilarious! But really fun! HAHAHA! But I think you can only do that in the night where there are not much people. HAHA. But really very fun. Try it if you guys have time. WAHAHAH!!

Then sam sent us all home. Thanks sam! And also thanks everyone for the dinner treat!!! I really enjoyed myself and hope you guys feel the same! =)


Setting up the cake.

Left one last piece for xiang. =)

Some people made a damn cool sandcastle.

With pearly and teng! ♥ ~

Tom, Dick, Harry! ♥ ~

Po and her 1.5L evian mineral water. We all koped from her. HEH.

Nonsense couple. HAHA.

They said it's my birthday so I get special treatment. Thus, a chair for me! WAHAHAH!

AH GUA! I'm still waiting for xiang to come eat the ONE LAST SINGLE PIECE LOR!!!!

Oh hi there she is. HEH. Loving the cake huh? =)

This series of photos is like a progression lor. More and more people joining in. HAHA.

On our magic school bus! WHEE~~~ ♥ ~

PS: less than 48 hours! ♥ ~♥ ~♥ ~

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