Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sweet 19th Part 1! =)

On friday, met up with Siew and Nicey on friday at JE station. Headed over to TopOne for a K session with Lionel and Tack. The guys kept saying they haven't sung in a long time. SJ came to join us soon after. HAAH.

So we sang, ate and drank. Halfway through, a birthday cake came in. SURPRISE! Hahaha. I have to sing a birthday song to myself since I was the one holding on to the mic. MUAHAH. Doesn't matter lah.

So made wish, blow candles, cut cake. Then present presented. HAHA. And really thanks many many to you people!!! LOVE IT. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

And also thanks for the K treat. =))))

Then met up with Lynden on the train and they went to JP for dinner while I went to IMM to dine with my family.

Oops, forgot to take with SJ. HEH.

Swensens bloody a lot of people. Pops was bloody grumpy cuz he's hungry. Fats was bloody irritated by pop's grumpiness and the possibility of not being able to eat her ice cream. Popo was bloody kan jiong cuz she scared my aunts and cousin will miss their flight to Adelaide. Bra and momsie, I don't really remember how they were feeling. I was just there minding my own business and waiting for seats. =)

Finally when we got seats, we found out we have to separate. Four at one table and two at another. Cuz we have 6 people altogether. There was a couple seating next to our four people table. They were done with everything. Dishes were cleared except for half filled glasses of drinks infront of them. The manager thought they were going off soon so suggested we wait a little longer so that we can join the table when they left.

BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY HELL THEY WERE DOING SITTING THERE AND NOT MOVING THEIR ASSES. They weren't even speaking to each other lor! Just sitting there, not moving and staring around the place. WHAT THE HELL? Do they even know what is basic courtesy notttt. So many people queueing outside know! So bra, fats and I kept staring intently at them, willing them to move. BUT THEY JUST LOOKED BACK AT US AND REFUSED TO MOVE. Okay, only the lady looked back at us. WAH BLOODY PISSED. Fats kept cursing them. HAHA. But seriously please....SO INCONSIDERATE. TSK. PUI.

So in the end, pops and momsie have to sit seperately away from us. Beats the whole purpose of eating dinner together right. SO LAME. Many thanks to those 2 people.

So yeah, finish main course den we ordered desserts. I got a free firehouse ice cream since it's my birthday. yay. HAHAH.

Then we left IMM and I went to meet up with via and then off to Cheryl's house. Finally PANDAN CAKE IS BACK IN SINGAPOREEEE!! HOORAY!

Met with her finance and her mom-in-law. HAHAH. Seems like nice people. She's lucky and happily in love. We also found out that she is actually 2 years older than us, which makes her 21! AH GUA!! Lied to us for 8 years already!!! TSKKKK TO THE MAXI CABBB. HAHAHA.

Seriously hope we can all attend her wedding. Please NYP don't gimme crap projects on that week. HEH.

Then another cake appeared. EHH HOW COMEEEE. So did the whole process again. This time it's like awkward cuz there are people who I don't actually know. Like Cheryl's and Charmaine's boyfriends. HAHA. But they're all friendly people. Her parents as usual...lovely. HAHHA.

Chatted for awhile more than moved to Via's house. Ate tau suan. Or is it tau sua? I can't remember what's the correct pronounciation. hahah. Chatted till 12 plus den booked cab and gich dropped me off at my house.

When I reached home, another surprise awaits. Claire Tan's present. HAHA. A cute schnauzer plushie. Looked kinda like pepper. Her new friend already. HAHAH. I wasn't at home when she came, so I was unable to recieve her surprise. HEH. But thanks anyway love!! =)

It was a lovely day spent with everyone. Meeting gich was really awesomeeeeee. HEHHHHHHHHH.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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