Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dinner Treat From ASN & Siew! ♥ ♥ ♥

Met up with ASN and Siew at ION orchard. My second time there. So I don't know where the hell UNIQLO is. HAHAH!

I was late in meeting ASN. OOPSIE. Sorry girlpren. HAHAH. So we're even now okayy?? HEE.

Walked around for awhile and Siew arrived soon after. Walked around somemore then we sat down to rest.

Decided to bring forward our dinner time and went up to HK Cafe.

Ate until FREAKING FULLLLL CANNNN. WAH LIAO EH. I almost wanted to puke. HAHA. ALMOST AH. Didn't in the end. HEH. But the peanut butter bread was REALLY good. =)

Then ASN brought out the cake she baked. HAHA. She damn paiseh about it. But it actually doesn't look THAT bad what. She forced Siew and me to eat and kept digging strawberries from nowhere and ask Siew to eat. HAHAH. Poor siew. But wo ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ni duo duo okay?? Can't believe you really go bake strawberry cake for me. HEE. So sweet.

Too bad there's no photos. Cuz she keep saying damn ugly. HAHAH.

Walked to Taka and sat down there to chat until 9plus. Went back to ION's toilet cuz Siew wanna see how chio it is. HAHA.

Many thanks to ASN & Siew for the dinner treat!! WO HEN ♥ NI MEN. HAHAH.


13 Sept @ TCC. ASN's high tea treat! HAHAH. =)

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