Sunday, October 04, 2009

Bangkok 2009!

I'm seriously lazy to go Linnie's shutterfly and download each and every photo one by one. Too time consuming. Not for me. HAHAH. 4 days worth of photos is quite alot can. Although we did not take alot, cuz we're all too busy shopping. HAHAH.

So Via has very kindly offered her edited photos with her watermark on it for me to use. HAHAH. Not that I edit my photos anyway. At least I don't have to go download it one by one right? So why not? HEH.

Our flight is on 25th september. EARLY IN THE MORNING 6 0' CLOCK. So that means we'll have to reach the airport around 4plus in the morning. No public transportation, taxis cost a bomb and don't wanna trouble friends and relatives to fetch us at the crack of dawn. So we decided to sacrifice a good night's sleep and spent the night at the airport on 24th september. HAHAH.


Po told me that Changi airport is voted as one of the best place to sleep in Singapore. Or something like that. So I was kinda excited to experience it for myself. We met around 9plus at night and took the train down to the airport. Some of them ate supper while via and I played cards.


I think we're playing Slap Jack with Buck at this point of time.

Nothing much happened during our overnight stay. We kept walking around the terminals to find a suitable place to settle down.

So we kept taking photos to while our time away~~~






We tried to do the skipping thing Lin Sing taught us. HAHA. FAIL AS YOU CAN SEE.


In the end, settled down in Starbucks. Plonked ourselves down in their comfy arm chairs and slept. Well, buck, shawn and via slept. Ling, Po and I didn't. There was a huge digital clock infront of starbucks and the 3 of us kept staring at it counting down to 4am.

What happens at 4am you wonder. 4am means it's time for MACDONALD'S BREAKFASTTTT!!!!!!!

We all LOVEE their breakfast. And their lunch and dinner too if you don't know. Heh. When the digital clock turned to 3:59, we started to move our lazy asses off the chairs and set off for Macdonald's. HEH.

Once satisfied with our breakfast, we rushed to catch the 5am shuttle bus to the budget terminal. We took Tiger Airways, so our plane is at the budget terminal.


Waiting for the shuttle bus.

Checked in upon reaching the budget terminal and waited till it's time to board the plane. There's a free leg massager there and we all tried it. Apparently Shawn and Linnie hate having their feets handled by any living or non-living things. So they didn't enjoy it at all. I, on the other hand, enjoyed it very much. So much so that I kinda didn't gave other people a chance to try it. WAHAHA. Ah well, who cares.


Queueing up to board the plane.


On the plane already~

I slept almost all the way on the plane. 1hour plus flight. Reached the airport and they called a maxi cab for us. Can contain 6-8 people. How nice. =)


Reached Suvarnabhumi Airport!

Our maxi cab arrived soon after and took us to our hotel!




All of us! =)


WE REACHED OUR HOTEL ALREADYYY!!! Citin Pratunam - Our home sweet home for 4D3N. HEH.

Although it is stated that we're only allowed to check in to the hotel rooms at 2pm, but since they have free rooms at the moment, we checked in earlier! 2 rooms only though. So Via and I put our stuff in Ling and Po's room while they prepare another room for us.

And off we went to explore Bangkok!


The girls!

We went for lunch somewhere. Not too bad or weird. HEH. After eating, we sat on Tuktuks to go MBK. Free ride! Cuz we helped them get free coupons which allows them to have free 5 litres of gas. We're so nice. So are they. HAAH.



Didn't get anything much in MBK. Bumped into Bra and Lijun there. Oh, I forgot to mention they were in Bangkok too! They went on 23rd Sept. 2 days earlier than us. Talked a little while and we went on our separate ways.

The 6 of us were bloody tired of not having slept the night before. So we all squeezed into a SMALL LITTLE tuktuk back to the hotel. And the uncle brought us to the wrong place! FREAKING SIAN. Neh mind. One minor setback won't kill us. So we went back to our hotel and took a nice shower. By that time, the room for via and me are already prepared for us.




Via and Po went down to the family mart to get some cup noodles and snacks for dinner. Thanks loads to them! So Via and I ate our cup noodles in Ling and Po's room.


After dinner, we all headed back to our rooms and slept. It was only like 7pm you know! AND WE'RE ALL SLEEPING!! I tried to read my book, but felt my eyes drooping halfway. Via and I find it bloody wasted to be sleeping at 7pm overseas. But it was raining kinda heavily outside, so we also cannot do anything. Such a lovely weather for sleeping. So we all slept...


With our batteries all charged up, we headed to have breakfast. All freaking hungry!

Walked over to Citin Cafe where the restaurant is located. It's 2 different buildings, the hotel and the restaurant. Bra's room is in Citin Cafe though.


I told Linnie I feel like I'm accompanying this pair of newlyweds on a honeymoon and she agrees. HAHAHA!


The 3 of us bought this top in the same design but different colours. HAHA.

We sat on the free tuktuk our hotel provided and went to Platinum Fashion Mall!

But it seems we've reached too early cuz many of the shops were not open yet. So we strolled for a little while and got bored. We then took the skytrain to Victory Monument and then on to Chatuchak Market.


On the way to take the skytrain with the newlyweds. HAHAH.



Not too different from the system in Singapore. Only their ticket is the old school version. Remember the one we used before our EZ Link cards? The really thin ticket which you can bend here and there and it won't tear? HAHAH. That's the ticket they're using. Really old school to us. HAHAH.

So no photos when we're shopping. We went back to hotel at around 10plus? Dinner at KFC at Indra Square. Dessert at Swensens. Their ice cream is kinda cheap.


Walked around those pasar malam style stalls and got ourselves some stuff. Then back to hotel for shower.

Went down to the lobby to use the free internet in our PJs. Or rather, only Linnie is in her PJs. LITERALLY. HAHAH.


There were only 3 computers to use.

Use for awhile den off we went to bed.

Day 3!

After another sumptuous breakfast...


Buck being the planner for our activities that day

We took skytrain to Siam station. But Siam paragon is kinda like the paragon in singapore. So...not for us.


Walking in Siam square or some place in Siam.

We went to Chatuchak market for the 2nd time! HAHAH. Bought more stuff. Met up with Chatchai and family. His son is bloody cute!!!! No thanks to him. WAHAHHA.


Aww...look at the little cutie in his arms. I carried him and he didn't make any noise. So friendly! I miss him a little already. The baby not chatchai. HAHAH.

We split up with Buck and Shawn and agreed to meet at a stated time and place. But the 4 of us got lost on our way to meet them. It took us almost 40 mins to find our way out of that big Chatuchak maze lor. DAMN HOT! We were all freaking half dead when we met the other 2. HAHAH.


Half dead people excluding Shawn. HEH.

We got ourselves drinks and proceeded back to hotel.



On the tuktuk back home

Via and I were wearing similar outfits that day. White raulph lauren polo tee with black shorts. So we tried to take photos of it. But stupid via's lousy photography skills made it mission impossible. TSK. DISASTER.


She covered her pony with her hands. FAIL.


She covered her pony with her camera. FAIL ALSO.


She covered some part of her pony with the camera strap. TOTAL FAIL.

So I told her just set it on timer lah. Her lousy skills is gonna take us forever.



We then had dinner at MBK. Shopped a little before heading home. =)

Woke up to our last day in Bangkok! BOOHOOOO.

Had our last sumptuous vegetarian breakfast and headed over to Platinum Fashion Mall to do last minute shopping.

OH! Before that, I saw nicey and her friends at our hotel's lobby! She stayed in the same hotel as me. The day I'm flying off is the day she came to Bangkok. Jestyn was there too! HAHAH. Cool shit.

We split into 3 teams upon reaching the mall. Po and Via, Buck and Shawn, Ling and Me. HAHAH.

If you guys are confused, Ling=Linnie. They're the same person. I typed whatever name came to mind first when I blogged. So we're clear on that kay. Heh.

So Ling and I quickly went on our way. We learnt Buck's motto, which is 快手快脚。See anything we like, just grab and buy. HAHAH! Buck was freaking shocked with the amount of shopping bags we had on our arms at the end of the day. Hahaha.

Had our lunch at A&W. We all missed the curly fries! Awwww...Linnie and I ordered an extra packet of curly fries cuz we can't get enough of it.




The waffle. Not too bad. I'm kinda craving for ice cream waffle now already! HEH.


With Yong. The cute bellboy who charmed everyone. HAHAHA.

We waited at the lobby for like 1 hour plus for the maxi cab that we booked. BUT IT WAS LATE. In the end we had to cancel it, lest we miss our flight home. The hotel was very nice to call cabs for us. So we had two cabs. I was in the cab with Linnie and Po. Not surprisingly, I slept all the way to the airport. WAHAHA. I'm good. REEEEALLY good. *smiles widely*

YAY, home soon! The REAL one in singapore that is. =)))

That pretty much sums up our Bangkok trip. Of course there were many jokes and stuff happening along the way, but if I say it all, it would be never ending. HAHAH.

The girls plan to go again next march. SIAO KIAS ALL. HAHAH.

I shall start saving up ASAP regardless whether I'm going next march or not. Cuz there are too many things that I want already. HEH.

One last thing before I end this post. My cousin who is currently in Adelaide now says she is giving me an awesome gift for my 19th birthday. Which is LONG over by the way. HAHA. She said it's on it's way to Singapore now. She got it all personalised for me. Then she showed me a photo she took of my gift before it's being shipped over.

When I saw it....I couldn't be any happier.

Lovely. She wasn't kidding about the personalising part. HAHAH. Although I would have loved it much better in pink. But oh wells, I'm not complaning. HEH.

THANKS DUMB. You're simply the BEST!

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