Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bra's army send off...

Bra has finally enlisted into the army on 8th October 2009!! THAT SI BOTAK. WAHAHAH!

So one day before he enlisted, which is 7th October, we had a "farewell" dinner.

Dinner at Turf City, Ah Yat Seafood restaurant. GOOD FOOD. I told momsie saying I feel like eating chilli crabs. Then she straight away say, "okay, we'll order one chilli crab, then got man tous one."


Anyway, nothing much happened during dinner. We just kept eating and I'm totally not interested in what the adults are talking about. I only talked to my popo and helped her to peel prawns. FYI: I don't peel prawns one okay. In fact, none of my siblings do. Cuz we all freaking lazy to dirty our hands. Mama and Lijun peel for us all the time. HEH.

But for the sake of my dearrrrr popo, I shall peel it for her. WAHAHA. I'm sucha lovely grand daughter. =)

I can't really remember the name of this dish. But it's sort of like sashimi. But I think sashimi tasted better. HEH.

This is 珠蚌? 竹蚌? Don't know the correct word. Was pretty alright.

CHILLI CRAB!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cant remember the name also. Sorry. Told cha I was only interested in eating!

SI BOTAK! WAHAHAHAH! He forbade us to ruffle his "hair". Not as if it'll make any difference if we ruffle it anyways. HEH.

Initially, bra was wearing his cap cuz he didn't really want everyone to see his botak head. Then he took it off when he's taking photos. He then passed the cap to me, don't know why also. So I just promptly put the cap on popo who's seated beside me...which turned out like this...

Then itchy hand fats go adjusted the cap and it turned out differently...

She's hip yo! WAHAHAH. We all LAUGHED like mad when we saw the photo. SERIOUSLY. Popo damn cute. HAHAHA!

So we made dad tried it too. HAHAH.

二姨 and 二姨丈

小舅 and family

With popo!

More botak photos! MUAHAHHA.

Group photos before we go!

8th October 2009

Bra's enlisting todayyy!!! OOH. WAHAHAH.

To get to Tekong, we have to drive to Pasir Ris, take the shuttle bus to the ferry terminal or something, then take the penguin ferry to Tekong. OMG. FREAKING TROUBLESOME. Poor bra when he books out. HEH.

Why do I look so retarded here?????? Must be the si botak's fault! TSK.

With Si yi and without fats. HEH.

During the bus tour around Tekong

Tour doneeee...we then proceeded to witness the enlistees having their oath taking ceremony. It was quite interesting to see them shouting so loud.

I almost laughed out loud at one part of the oath. Cuz it goes like...I, NIRC No. Which means you have to say out ur NIRC no lah. So everyone got different numbers. So it goes like...I, S()#$(^&%! HAHAHAHA!! I don't know if you guys get it. But it's just all over the place with so many different NIRC Nos! I seriously wanted to laugh! HEH. But come on, it's a serious affair. So I snickered. HAHAH.

After the oath taking, the enlistees rejoined their families for food tasting at the cook house. The food was not bad. Like cai fan. I LOVE CAI FAN. I can't wait to go back school to eat cai fan. WAHAHHA!

Then it was time to sing, goodbye to you my trusted friend~~~ to bra. He's going in for one whole week. Booking out on 16 oct cuz of the holiday. LUCKY SHIT. Hahaha.

I sang to him with my arms waving in the air lor. So nice. But he just turned, looked at me and uttered, "Siao ah." AH GUA. So unappreciative leh. NNP.

Queuing up to the gates of "Hell"...or so I've heard. HEH.

OOH, bra's the tallest and biggest sized of em all. HAHAH. BOTAKKKY!

And there you bra's ENJOYING every minute of his life now. HEH. They get to call home at around 8plus or 9plus every night I think. It's the 2nd night now. My parents were not at home for these 2 nights. So fats answered his call for the first and I, the second.

*Ring ring*

Fats: Hello?


Fats: *trying to figure out his words* Er. No, they outside.



Fats: *phone still at her ear* er wha...?


The Second night...

*Ring ring*

Me: Hello?


Me: No



Me: *thinking to self* Now I knew how fats felt last night.


So as you can see...we have the exact same conversation with him. How fair can he get??

SO YEAHHH. So far pepper seems not to know he's in the army. Haven't shown any signs of missing him. YET. HAHAH.

Speaking of pepper, she's ugly again now. HAHA. SO THIN!

Okay, shall end here now. BYE ALL. =))

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