Friday, October 23, 2009


School has started. Finally one whole week over. Year 3 is no joke. Lotsa projects and presentations. LOATHE PRESENTATIONS PLEASE.

After 2 years plus of occassional presentations, I'm ashamed to say that I still suck at presentations. WHY!! TELL ME WHYYYYY! TSK.

Lots of theory work. NOT FUN. But at least I'm totally FREE from programming!! HOORAY. The only thing to be celebrating about. Nicey asked if I regretted choosing this specialization path. I'm glad my answer is no. HEH.

I'm so lazy to blog and post photos about my cousin's wedding. Photos up in facebook already anyways. HECK. Hahaha.

ASN was sooo sweet to give us cookies she baked herself. TASTE GOOD LOVE! You make a good wife. HAHA. AI NI!

I'm constantly feeling sleepy at night. Good. Means I can sleep early. HAHA.

SIAN LAH. Don't know what I'm rattling on about anymore.


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