Sunday, November 22, 2009

REACH carnival and LELE POT!!

Yesterday was YHSS's REACH carnival. A fund raising event I think, to help out needy students. Being the helpful me that I am (AS USUAL. HEH.), I went down to YHSS to see see look look.

Reached there and Monkey bought some hot dogs and chicken wings. The chicken wings were good! HAHA. Should have bought more. Bought candy floss from Fats' stall. GOT THIS SUPER HUGE ONE. OMGG. HAHAH. Shared with Via, Monkey and some other. But I finished most of it. GOD. DAMN HUGE PLEASE. Too bad no photos.

Then there's this dunking booth where you throw balls to dunk people. We had fun watching people getting dunked. HAHA. Then Sam suddenly said he's willing to get dunked for 100 bucks. So we were like STEADY! So many of us there, easy to come out with 100 bucks please. HAHAH! So we called for help to the people upstairs in the hall.

Bbs, ah loke and others come down to the canteen soon after. We were all bent on dunking Sam. HAHAH! Finally we managed to come up with 100 bucks worth of coupons. At this point of time, Sam was trying to back out of it. He kept on increasing his price. I was like, "Come on, you're not worth that much." HAHAHA!

We managed to get him to do it in the end. Before climbing up the dunking machine or whatever you called it, he did the action of stripping since he did not bring extra clothes. I was horrified and went, " I GIVE YOU 1000 BUCKS!! 1000 BUCKS! NOT TO STRIP!!!" Bbs laughed like crazy. HAHAH.

So Ah loke, Lihui, Ban Hock, Didi and Jia yi were responsible for dunking him. And they did. 5 dunks. HAHA. *claps to Sam for being so "CHARITABLE" please.* HAHAH.

I left with the girls first while deciding where to go. Xiang went home. So She Hui, Me and Via went back to school to wait for Lin Sing. Slack for awhile then we went off to IKEA. Tried to meet buck and shawn but they don't wanna. BOOHOO. HAHAH.

We were all FREAKING STARVING while waiting for the rest to arrive at Tiong Bahru lor! WAH LIAO EH. HAHAH. Never felt so hungry in my life!!! Okay, maybe I have felt it before. But I don't remember, so last night reminded me of the feeling. HAHA.

Everyone arrived and we faster walked to Lele pot. Kept thinking about the Laksa soup and MAN TOUS!!!! HAHAH.

But to our dismay, no seats available for us yet. Cuz our reservation is at 730pm, we reached there at 7pm. SIAN MAN. Have to wait for 30 mins! 30 long torturing mins! HAHAH.

Finally at 730pm sharp, we got our seats!! THEN DINNER STARTS. We just kept concentrating on eating and doing nothing else. HEH. But the laksa soup not as nice as the last time. A little disappointed, but oh wells. There's always next time! AND THE MAN TOUS TOOK SO LONG TO MAKE THEIR APPEARANCE!! HAHAH. We were all damn worried that there's no more man tous lor. HAHA. Heng got!

Ended up feeling freaking full, as always. It's buffet what, don't feel full might as well don't eat right? HAHAH.

Then took the train home and home sweet home soon after~~~~

Reached home, bathed, SLEEP. SO TIRED!!

Some photos during the carnival!

BBS!!! Glad you love the surprise and present!! HAHAH. 2!!

With fats. Chicken wing was good like I said. HAAH.

Grow taller will ya Sam? I'm tired of looking so awkward when taking photos with you. HAHAH! KAY LAH, I know you LOVE ME! HEH.


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