Sunday, November 29, 2009

Snacking period!!

I bought a lot of snacks recently. And polished them in a single day. HAHAH! SHIT. I still have my pringles spicy chips. UNTOUCHED. Oh my, should touch it soon. HEH. AND AND AND...

Best of all.....

I got one giant can filled with strawberry flavoured hello pandas!! YAY MEEE!! Siew bought it too! I felt so happy when I ate it just now. HAHA. Of course there's still a lot left. Cmon, it's a GIANT can. You think one tiny cup size ah?

Anyways...I don't know why I suddenly got this constant craving to eat snacks. Not just normal snacks know. It's always those spicy chips or something. Nothing healthy. This is bad, very bad. What's even worse is that I usually cave in nowadays. HAHAH. OOPSIE.

Singapore's education system too stress already lah. Can give us more holidays not? HAHAH. My cousin studying in Australia, the holidays damn shiok. Why we cannottt????

OH WELLSSSS...NEH MIND. Loads of test, tutorials, assignments and projects to be studied and done. This wednesday got NE trip again. NEwater. A little lame. But...cannot don't go. HAHAH.

Shall try to chiong my tuts now. BYE ALL.

OH! Before I go, a little something to show you guys.
YAY. LOVE THE PINK CAN. And...I touched the pringles while taking this photo. HEH. PAISEH. I caved in again. HAHHA.

A random photo I found in my phone. We're all wearing red because it's a national day celebration dinner or something. I remembered I lost my way in Clarke Quay that day and had to take a cab to the hotel which costs me 10 bucks! Momsie only returned me 6 bucks when I tried to claim from her. BOOHOO.


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