Thursday, December 10, 2009


I realized I've been more on tumblr than on blogger. HEH.

Although it's just filled with pictures and more pictures. But picture speaks a thousand words right? Then I must have many thousands of words on my tumblr already. HAHHA. All chio pictures can?

Tests mania now! One after another. Hope everyone gets pass it smoothly.


Holidays coming soon! WHEE~ Although not much of a holiday since still need to chiong project. OH WELLS. Better than nothing right.

Shall end of with a photo of the cute princess in the house.

Got cuter ones but I realized I never upload. All still in the camera. Lazy to take from the living room. HAHAH.

On a sidenote, Bra POP-ed today. *half-hearted yay* HAHHA. He's gonna be around for like 10 days?? I don't know man. Hope he doesn't get in my way. MUAHHA. Kay, I'm just kidding.

Trying to mug now. BYE YOU ALL! =)

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