Monday, January 18, 2010


Nicey, Siew, Shuwen and I went to chinatown today. Not to get CNY goodies, but to go to TracyEinny's shop. The online blogshop that has a shop. I totally didn't know anything about this until Nicey and Siew told me. Sorry, kinda noob. HAHA.

Anyways, the highlights of the day is not about TracyEinny. It's actually something else!

The legendary KOI bubble tea!!! MUAHAHAH.

Nicey, Siew and I have been talking about wanting to try KOI. And we're seriously glad we did. They totally spam the pearls one lor. But that's the whole point anyways. HAHA. Next time we shall order the smallest cup with half sugar. Thumbs up for this!! =)

Another highlight, for me that is, is these 2 things!!

I seriously CANNOT wait for you guys to be here. ASAP PLEASE!!! HEH.

OKILY. I'm a happy girl for now. Bye everyone! =)

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