Sunday, January 10, 2010


PCS PRESENTATION IS ON MONDAY!!! Or maybe Wednesday if I'm lucky. OMGGGGG. One good thing is it's finally ENDING!! HOORAY. Tortured me for so many weeks already! Time you went to hell! I mean, just the project go to hell can alr, my marks shall not be affected. Stupid bloody 50% of a project. Come logistics still cannot escape the evil claws of PROGRAMMING. CNMDB.

Anyways, noobsters meeting up soon! Just saw the video that Johnny tagged in fb. Freaking funny. Siew's hair damn cute!! HAHAHA. Good old days. Can't wait to see everyone during Nicey's and SJ's birthday celebrations. WOW. Everyone has grown so fast! Kids nowadays. I keep saying this. HAHAH.

OKILY. Before I end this post and try to scrap through PCS presentation (please let mr cheong be our accessor!!!), I shall show you lovely pictures of my hello kitty jelly. MUAHAH. TASTE GOOD OKAY. =)

Should have put food coloring or something. Then the features will be more prominent. Oh wells, neh mind, next time! =)

Can you see her ears, ribbon and one eye? HAHAH.

My mould!!

Clear enough?? You can see her whiskers!! Aww, so cute. HAHA.

Nothing to be proud of actually, the jelly was terribly easy to make. Heh. But I shall make some more next time, with colors! HAHA.

PS: Watched bedtime stories and I RUV adam sandler! <3

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